Original Starting Weight: 223
Last Weigh In: 147
Current Weight: 146
Pounds lost since last weight in: 1
Total Pounds Lost: 77
Only 16 days left till The Color Run. I am super excited, but also really nervous. I missed pretty much a whole week of running due to my stupid injury. (See last weeks post.)
Monday I got in an easy 2 mile jog/run with the pup.
Wednesday we dropped Kaiser off at doggy boarding school. I miss him terribly. Even with 2 kids and 3 cats the house seems terribly quiet and not quite as cozy without him here. After we dropped him off we went to the nature reserve by our house for a 2 mile walk.

During nap time I was able to get a run in while the hubby stayed home with the kiddos. I went to the green belt by our house and did a total of 3.76 miles, most of which was an attempt at day 3 of week 6 on C25K. I made it 9 minutes without having to walk...which annoyed me at the time, but looking back the terrain is really all over the place so it really was a good run. I was super sore afterwards, but the weather was so perfect and I really needed it to clear my head.

During nap time I was able to get a run in while the hubby stayed home with the kiddos. I went to the green belt by our house and did a total of 3.76 miles, most of which was an attempt at day 3 of week 6 on C25K. I made it 9 minutes without having to walk...which annoyed me at the time, but looking back the terrain is really all over the place so it really was a good run. I was super sore afterwards, but the weather was so perfect and I really needed it to clear my head.
Yesterday, I got in a good 2.4 mile walk with the boys. It was a lot easier without the pup in tow, but goodness it's getting harder to push them. They need to stop growing for just a second so I can build up some upper body strength!
Today it's rainy and sad outside, but I'm hoping to get in some much needed yoga. I don't think I'm ready for Jillian yet. Hopefully next week my finger will be healed enough that I can put more of my body weight on it. Until then I'll just be doing a relaxing yoga session. The rain is supposed to stop tomorrow, so I'm hoping to get a morning run in and then I have a day date with the hubby :o)
I don't have a page for it (yet) but I do have a new recipe for you! We tried this Tuna Noodle Casserole a couple weeks ago and it was delicious!
We added an extra can of tuna, a small can of mushrooms and half a can of peas to "beef" up the meal a little and it was PERFECT. We actually made it again this week and I'm having left overs for lunch. YUM.
I hope everyone has a happy and healthy week!
Congratulations on the 77 pounds. I can't wait to get there! The casserole sounds yummy.
Glad the injury is getting better! I hope doggy boarding school is going well.
That casserole sounds yummy! I'll definitely have to try it!
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