Friday, February 24, 2012

Fitness Friday: Week 8

Original Starting Weight: 223
Last Weigh In: 143
Current Weight: 143
Pounds lost since last weight in: 0
Total Pounds Lost: 80
I'm really amazed that I didn't gain anything. My appetite came back in full force and I've been wanting to eat almost everything in site. The weather has been really glorious this week, so I've been able to get out with the boys a few times for a nice walk.
The Color Run on Sunday was amazing.

If there was any run to do after being sick this one was it.


It was super relaxed. I think there were some people that walked a majority of the way and just enjoyed the fun.
(purple insanity)

John and I ran the kilometers in between stations and caught our breath while walking through clouds of color and throwing colored powder at each other and everyone else.
(John thinks this picture looks like we survived some sort of rainbow zombie apocalypse)

The race ended with a Color Festival at the end. Every 15 minutes there was a great explosion of color.
(color festival. the little boy next to me was celebrating his birthday. how cool is that?)
I really don't think I've ever seen so many happy people in one place.
(thousands of happy colorful people)
We cannot wait to do it again next year!!


Have a happy and healthy week!!

1 comment:

Kate said...

You are amazing! 80 lbs- fantastic!! Also that looks like tons of fun. Plus everyone looks so neat with the colors. :)