Thursday I woke up (or rather gave up trying to sleep and got out of bed) and felt the strong desire to make a bear....so I found a pattern in one of my craft books (The Toy Box) and went to it.
It consumed my day.
Jim was easy(ish) to make. He certainly came together a lot faster than I thought he would.
He did however take a LOT of hand stitching. His ears were the hardest.
He doesn't have eyes, because I didn't have any and buttons didn't seem like a good idea. I think being blind suits him.
Munch loves him. Even though he insisted that Jim looked like Mickey Mouse at first.
Nox does too....which Munch does not like, don't worry I'll make another for Nox (or Munch, they can fight it out.)
I adore him. Everytime I look at him I love him more. I don't usually feel that way about anything I make.
i love him. I don't even think he needs eyes.
He is gorgeous. I will definitely be making my 3 kiddos each a bear!
Jim is fabulous! You've got some mad skills!
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