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Starting Weight: 200
Last Weeks Weight: 186
Current Weight: 185
Weight Lost This Week: 1
Total Weight Lost: 15
Loving that I have reached 15 pounds :o) Only 12 more to go before my pre preggie weight. On Saturday I was even able to fit into a pair of my "skinny" jeans...which is super exciting! My calories also went down...which isn't fun to get used to, but a necessary evil.
Saturday, I went out with my sister and we ended up at a bridal shop. We were only going to look at the bridesmaid dresses, cause I won't fit into a great majority of the sample dresses....BUT we saw a girl trying on the perfect dress. So we waited AND waited...apparently the whole huge bridal party needed to try on the same dress...When we finally got it, it turned out it was a larger size. It still didn't zip all the way, but at least it fit over more than just my head. Hopefully come April when we officially start looking, I'll feel comfortable enough to leave the dressing room.
The weather has been glorious this week, so I walked...12.5 miles, with the boys. I wish the weather was like this every day. Walking totally calms my nerves and relaxes me. The boys enjoy it and our dog, Kaiser, LOVES it. Plus I'm getting a tan.
No recipe page this week...I've been super lazy when it comes to cooking. We did make a spinach and mushroom pizza, but that was about it. I've basically been living off cereal and sandwiches all week.
Oh! And before I forget again: I won a little drawing Brandy has every week for linking up to her awesome Fat Ass Friday. She sent me my favorite scented lotion from Bath and Body Works.
Brandy rocks.
15 lbs is great! Way to go. I am so excited for nicer weather....I miss being outside.
And Brandy is awesome!
If you end up with 2 comments from me it's because I posted one but it didn't show up.
15 lbs is a great accomplishment! Way to go.
You are doing awesome!
You are doing fantastic! You look great too! I would eat cereal 3 times a day if I didnt have to worry about feeding other people.
You go girl! 15lbs gone is AWESOME! And many kudos on walking 12.5 miles. That's super impressive!
Congrats on your 15 girl! You look great! Get back on the recipes though! I look forward to trying them! :P
And for the record... I SO miss my walking. What time do you walk?
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