Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Project Life: Week 41

Before I share my spread for this week I have some awesome fantastic news! I FINISHED 2012!!! It's done. Completely and totally and I love it. I'm so SO happy I stuck with it, even though I was months and months behind. I took my time and got the pages done the way I wanted them and I love them. Yay!

 Here is week 41. I didn't really have much of a color theme this week. I had done up some cards using digital scraping and just went with what I thought worked for those photos, so I just went with whatever worked. 

page one:
Four of the cards on this page are digitally scrapped, I think all of them using templates by Scrapping with Liz. They are fantastic to have if you like digital scrapping, like I do. This week we started hunting for Halloween on our walks. The boys loved spotting the different decorations people put up. We got to the point where we knew EXACTLY which streets were the best to go down. Nox kept injuring himself...nothing serious, but enough to bandage up, which made him insanely proud. 

insert one:
We went to a local pumpkin patch with a hayride and has SO SO much fun. The boys LOVED getting to ride the ponies and I put together this little collage:
This is John's father, John and Munch all around the age of 4 and all riding ponies. We have the three pictures framed and hanging on one of our gallery walls. It's such a fun little collection to have. 

insert two:
This insert is almost all about Munch's Birthday, opening presents, my thoughts on him turning FOUR and a drive down town to check out Santa Fe Days, which is an awesome event put on by our town to celebrate Native American culture. 

page two:
Lastly, we had Munch's Birthday Party this week and because he's a Halloween junky (like his Mama) AND his birthday is in October we decided to have a costume party. SO SO much fun. I think we are going to do the same thing this year. 

The first card is the invite I made up in photoshop (again using a template by Scrapping with Liz: she's my favorite) and printed up to send out. For the journal card, I sandwiched a couple bats between vellum and orange card stock. It was a fun way to include some of the decoration and make it journaling space. :o)

I'm linking up with The Mom Creative!

The Mom Creative

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Shutter-Bug Sunday: Macro Edition

I have wanted a macro lens for a long while. I have to play with it more, but my 55mm just does NOT like to focus when I try to get as close as I would like for some shots...I think it actually has a panic attack. We argued some, but I think I managed to win and get some decent shots.

Love that you can see his sweet freckles.
If you look super close you can see my reflection in his eyes. 
 Still want that macro lens, but I had fun trying to get a shot with my standard lens.

Next week we are focusing on capturing movement in our photos.
I hope you'll join us this week and next!

Your turn to link up! Please remember to link back to Craft Cherry and Green Mountain Couple in your posts. Thank you!

Shutter-Bug Sunday

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Project Life: Weeks 39 and 40

I'm currently working on December 2012. Almost DONE with the year. Super excited with how fast it's gone since getting the pictures printed. 

Here is week 39. Purple and red seemed to work well with the pictures this week. 

page one:
I saw the car photo somewhere on Pinterest and had to recreate it, the boys have an insane amount of Hot Wheels to work with. I don't think this is even a third of it. It's the end of September and we decided to get a jump on Halloween planning. 

page two:
I seem to use Design E a lot, which is interesting because I'm not all that fond of working with it. Although, I do like the end results most of the time. I took some shots of Munch with the witch hat for his Halloween themed birthday party and Nox had to get in on the action. We harvested a surprise Honey Dew this week and started crafting with some dollar store skulls. 

Week 40 is mostly blue and orange:

page one:
More harvesting...tiny Texas Pecans from our backyard...which I actually didn't harvest correctly, because they were bitter and awful when we tried them. Better luck next year though. I included a shot of the boys boots. They LIVED in them this past Fall and Winter and they were so sweet lined up by our fireplace. Also included a "tragic" moment. Munch took our ipod touch to the bathroom with him and dropped it in the toilet, poor thing didn't survive. Everyone was VERY upset...Munch drew this picture telling the story of the event...it was too funny not to include. 

I really MUST get my husband to fill out his cards...at this point it will take him a whole day, I have so many. Anyway, John went to Austin for an interview so I included a few pictures he took on his trip, one the day he left and another of the coffee maker with instructions...cause I'm that useless around the machine. 

page two:
This was a hard page, I had already printed my photos and had a layout in my head and then when I went to complete the page realized I had WAY more stories to tell than I originally thought. I didn't want to forget a sweet moment between Munch and Nox and I want to always remember how Munch was introduced to Harry Potter (via Quidditch) and how he wants to go to Hogwarts, just so he can play. But it worked out. I've been saving remnants of protectors I've cut apart and was able to make a couple flip pockets with some washi. We'll see how they hold up, but I'm quite pleased with them. Here's a couple detail shots. 

I'll be linking up with The Mom Creative! (On Wednesday this week!)

The Mom Creative

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Shutter-Bug Sunday: Favorites of the Week

Kayla and I have decided to go ahead and do Shutter-Bug Sunday every Sunday now! Since the decision was made after our last post we aren't going with a theme for this post. So just pick one or some of your favorite photos from the week and come link up.

This week the lovely girls over at A Beautiful Mess started a 30 day self portrait challenge to help promote their new book. (Which is now on my wish-list.) My favorite little sister with Lavender + Pink thought it would be fun for us to join in. I was a little hesitant at first because 30 days of self portraits seemed a little much, but I thought it would force me to be creative. So far it's been fun.

This one is by far my favorite of the week:
I took an insane amount before I was happy with this one and I couldn't have done it without my little assistant yelling "Just ONE more, Mama! One more!"

I also found a couple of great blog posts this week to help inspire:
Tips for fun "everyday" photos with Elise Blaha Cripe
5 Tips for Better Self Portraits with A Beautiful Mess

Next Weeks Theme: UP Close and Personal 
All pictures should be taken in MACRO Mode! 
Here are some helpful links:

Your turn to link up! Please remember to link back to Craft Cherry and Green Mountain Couple in your posts. Thank you!

Shutter-Bug Sunday

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Happy Thoughts: 7.16.13 edition

Kayla (from Green Mountain Couple) and I kicked off our first Shutter-Bug Sunday linky party. If you haven't joined in yet, it's not too late! We did self portraits to introduce ourselves. Originally, we were just going to do it the 2nd Sunday of the month, but after talking about it we decided every week would be more fun! We might not do a theme every week, but we would LOVE your input and would be SUPER happy to have you come share your photos with us.

Angie at My So Called Chaos did an AWESOME job on my blog. I LOVE it. Everything is so organized and pretty. Thanks, Angie!!

I won a Studio Calico Project Life kit from Design Editor last month and it came in the mail yesterday!! I LOVE it!
Cannot wait to use some of it!

The weather is wonderful at the moment. The rain means cooler temperatures...with highs in the 70s and 80s..instead of 100s. I love the sun, but this break in the heat is MAH-VELOUS!

I'm linking up!
 photo ArtatHomeButton_zps18898da7.jpg

Monday, July 15, 2013

Project Life: Weeks 37 and 38

Still chugging along. I'll get caught up sooner or later. 

Week 37 and I worked mostly with gray, blue and red.

page one:
A pretty large mix of paper and digital products this week. For paper I used my Cherry and Midnight kits on this page. I felt the need to scrap my thoughts about this particular 9.11. Also, included a throw away card from Magic the Gathering, because that's what my husband were playing a lot of this week. 

We got a life size Mickey balloon for Nox's 2nd birthday and he hung around for quite awhile before he lost all his air. I thought it would be fun to write up a little something about his floating adventures in our home. 

page two:
We went to a craft fair and I collected quite a few business cards. I selected a few of my favorites and made a pocket for them using two Cherry kit journal cards and some washi. The second half is dinner with my mother and all the pictures are by Munch. 

Week 38 marked the beginning of fall, so I went with some fall colors. 

page one:
I love adding recipes from our week, I've been printing extras to make a book. I need to work on putting that together. Really like the instagram collage with a journal card to match. Also that Batman and his Pup photo? One of my favorites. 

page two:
Mostly digital on this side. I know I should be working on getting my paper scraps down, but it's so nice to work on my computer and not worry about the kids getting into my supplies. 

detail shot:
Joplin decided to squeeze herself into one of John's Magic the Gathering card boxes...so I decided to make a game card out of her. It took me forever to find a template I could use...and I have no clue where I found it. I really love it though. We can be a little dorky sometimes, but I think it's great that I have a place to record it. 

I'll be linking up with The Mom Creative.

The Mom Creative

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Shutter-Bug Sunday: Self Portrait edition

Welcome to our very first Shutter-Bug Sunday!! I'm super excited to be hosting this linky party with Kayla from Green Mountain Couple

This weeks theme is self-portraits! 
I thought about being really creative and coming up with something super fantastic...but then I found an old hat that I used to love...and it was kinda begging me to photograph it. 
Camera: Nikon D50, 18-55 mm lens, Auto setting. Action: Rosy Vintage by  Coffee Shop Blog.
I LOVE the free actions generously offered by The Coffee Shop Blog. They save me so much time editing. She also has a ton of tutorials on editing that I need to take the time to go through. Do you have any favorite photography sites? I would love it if you shared!

And just because my husband liked the original too. :o)
I have always loved taking pictures, but until recently have never been much bothered with getting into manual mode and out of my comfort zone. One of goals this year was to learn how to use my DSLR the way it should be used. 

I generally photograph anything that makes me smile...which makes for an awful lot of pictures. I firmly believe that the best camera is the one you have with you. I am grateful for all three of my cameras, a Nikon D50, Olympus Tough (insanely awesome for kiddos to use too) and my Samsung Galaxy S. 

August's Theme: Alphabet
Pick a LETTER  – photograph something beginning with the letter or hunt out the letter itself in your surroundings, or make the shape of the letter with props.Use you imagination, let it run WILD!
 August post with be up the 2nd Sunday of the month. (August 11th) If you guys want to have more frequent posts let us know!

Would love to see your self portraits! Grab a button and link up!

Your turn to link up! Please remember to link back to Craft Cherry and Green Mountain Couple in your posts. Thank you!

Shutter-Bug Sunday

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Scrappy Saturday

Ricki Jill with Art@Home commented on My Happy Thoughts post Tuesday and suggested that I scrap a photo. I LOVE getting suggestions on which photos to scrap. I sometimes will have John look through my pictures and pick one to challenge myself a little. So much fun to have a bloggy friend make a suggestion, Thanks Ricki!

I LOVE how this page turned out!
created using: Summer Livin' Collab by kristin, mari, krystal, lliella,
libby and cindy. Ready for School Template freebie by MLE card

Before I leave, just wanted to remind everyone that Shutter-Bug Sunday is tomorrow!!
For more info please check out this post: HERE. Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Announcing an Upcoming Photo Link-Up

Super excited to announce a new blog series/linky party that I'll be Co-Hosting starting this Sunday!

 Craft Cherry and Green Mountain Couple
are Hosting Shutter-Bug Sunday!
What is this you may ask?
Well it is a Photo Link-Up with Themes!

The first theme is Self Portraits!
This is so everyone can introduce themselves through their photography!
Get Creative!
Try Different Angles! Different Looks!

The link will open up on the 2nd Sunday of Every Month!
And stay open for 1 week.
It will include the next months theme  at the bottom so you will have a whole month to get a picture!

Augusts Theme: Alphabet
Pick a LETTER  – photograph something beginning with the letter or hunt out the letter itself in your surroundings, or make the shape of the letter with props.Use you imagination, let it run WILD!

Start snapping pictures and join in on the fun this Sunday!

Tuesday, July 09, 2013

My Happy Thoughts

We had such an awesome weekend. I LOVE long weekends with my family. 

4th of July we went to my mother's for some fun in the water and bbq. 
This pretty much sums it up. 

We didn't see any fireworks. The boys skipped naps to splash and play...which was fine with me. Friday we went to a laser show...and that ALMOST counts.

Saturday we went to Target First Saturdays at the Nasher. Security was a little wacko, but we managed to have fun anyway. 

THEN lunch at the food trucks at Klyde Warren Park, followed by some fun at the playground there. The boys are definitely Texan...the heat was NOTHING to them.  

The boys fell asleep before we had even gone a block, but woke up in time for ice cream.

We had a wonderful, quiet Sunday, the perfect end to the perfect weekend. 

I'm linking up!
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