Friday, June 28, 2013

Just Two Things This Friday

 I meant to post a lot more this week but life threw me a slight curve ball and I've never been very good at baseball...or softball. SO...let's just pretend that I posted this on Tuesday, but be thankful that it's Friday. :o)

1. I started doing a little homeschooling with the boys this week. I pretty much thrive on disorganized organizing a basic lesson plan is proving painful, figuring out a schedule might have caused my brain to explode. We were kind of all over the place. But I think the boys both benefited. Yay! Next week will be a little better...I hope.

2. HUGE plus of starting "school" with the kids was starting Bob Books with Munch. We've been doing work sheets and worked on reading the first couple books. Munch is picking up on it so much faster than I could have hoped and he's even been helping me with story time if we come across a word that's in his books. I am so SO proud of him.

Okay...maybe a quick 3rd thing...

Have a fantastic weekend!


Ricki Treleaven said...

Oh, my....I remember those Bob Books! We had all the sets at one time. Such precious memories!

Karen M. Peterson said...

I'm sure that's tough, but it will be so worth it!

alisha said...

SO cute! Y'all got this!

Nirupama said...

I am sure it will be worth the effort. My kids do so well with a little structure even though it goes against my spontaneous nature too.

Unknown said...

I love these two (three) things!

Ricki Treleaven said...

I remember the Bob books so well....I miss those little days! I thought I'd left a comment on this post, but maybe it didn't go through.

Enjoy your holiday week!
