My middle man turned seven just a couple days after school started. Try as I might I could not convince him to stay six.
Nox hasn't changed much over the past year.
He loves math and learning about the way things work.
He is obsessed with Lego and will spend hours happily building. Nox would love to one day work for Lego as a Master Builder and I believe without a doubt that he could do it.
He loves his friends fiercely and looks forward to spending time with them. At the same time, he is very comfortable on his own and is quite pleased when he gets a moment to himself.
Nox is currently taking Gymnastics with Munch and loving it. His coach says they are the best-behaved boys she has had and that Nox is such a tough little guy.
He is in his second year of Cub Scouts and it's so much fun to see how excited he is about it. He loves all the activities and adventures he gets to go on with his Dad and brother. I am so proud of him.

Nox keeps his emotions right out in the open and has never had trouble letting people know exactly how he feels. More often than not he is the first one up in the morning. He doesn't give hugs like he used to, but he is still my sweet boy with the crooked grin and big heart.