Yesterday, Munch turned seven. We opened presents, went on a family field trip, and ate good burgers and ice cream cake.
Yesterday marked seven years of being Mama and I am so proud of this sweet boy who first called me that name.
Munch has always been my laid back boy. He is mostly easy going and is a natural at helping others.

He joined the Boy Scouts last month and he is so proud and excited about it. I love seeing his face light up when he talks about it.
Munch LOVES to read. He will read anything he can get his hands on. His current favorite is my Doctor Who Encyclopedia that he picked out for a Mother's Day gift. which makes sense. He LOVES The Doctor.
This year he is making plans to be an Egyptologist when he grows up....but also a Dad.
He is an awesome brother and adores his little cousin, Juliet. It's really wonderful watching him interact with them.
Munch really is a blessing and while I often wish he would stop. I love watching him grow.