What do you think? Keep or Sell?
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Pink and Green
Monday, March 28, 2011
My Boys Monday - Two by Two
Friday, March 25, 2011
Fat Ass Friday - Week 10
Link up your post at You Don't Know.
Starting Weight: 200
Last Weeks Weight: 178
Current Weight: 178
Weight Loss This Week: 0
Total Weight Lost: 22
Sweet...exactly where I was last week. Love these plateaus. I haven't given up though. Just need to push past it. I made sure to bump up my protien intake and it worked! I'm not as hungry as I was, still hungry, but at least not starving.
I felt super sick on Tuesday and I missed one of my running days this week, cause we went over to my mother's. I actually considered doing week 2 of C25K over. Then I realized how silly that was (at the last second, I was on my way out the door) and I sucked it up and did Week 3 Day 1. It seems crazy, but it actually seemed easier than all of Week 2 was.
I saw the tutorial for this sign over at WhipperBerry. Don't know if I'll make it, but I love the quote. It's just something I need to remember.
Speaking of excuses; I've got zero as to why my blog hasn't had any posts in a week. Pathetic. I PROMISE to be better this week.
Finally got another recipe page together!! My hubby likes to cook up this meal in double batches, cause it's SO yummy. Here is the recipe and nutritional info my hubby entered on Spark People: HERE. And here is my page: Created using: Blog Freebie Template 8.4.2010 by Jennamy and Wimsy kit by Three Paper Peonies
Hope everyone has a happy and healthy weekend!
Friday, March 18, 2011
Fat Ass Friday - Week 9
Link up your post at You Don't Know.
Starting Weight: 200
Last Weeks Weight: 178
Current Weight: 178
Weight Loss This Week: 0
Total Weight Lost: 22
No pounds lost this week. Boo. BUT I kept going with C25K....I even was a brave girl and started week 2 instead of redoing week 1 like I was thinking about doing. If I had known how hungry running would make me, I'm not sure I would have ever started. I'm STARVING. Spark People is awesome and tells me if I'm burning too many calories and not eating enough...but they are mean and haven't told me that since I started running.
Running exhausts me and I can't breath and I'm sore....did I mention I'm STARVING? At the same time I really love it, which is slightly confusing. Why do I like to torture myself? A friend of mine tried to talk me into doing a 5k next month, but I'm a serious wimp. I run at night...I tell myself it's because that's the only time I can run, the boys are asleep and the hubby is home. The truth is I could do it when the hubby gets home from work, when it's light outside...the boys don't care if I'm there. The truth is, I don't want anyone to actually see me run. Which is probably the same reason I don't want to join a 5k. Cause I'm a freaking wimp.
Anyway, I have a few recipes to share, but they will have to wait, cause all I really want to do is jump into bed and stay there...maybe have someone bring me a mountain of chocolate ice cream and a steak.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Funky Finds Spring Fling
A t-shirt for Monkey Munch from XYFactory:
I was really tempted to buy this game, just for the fun box:
Friday, March 11, 2011
Fat Ass Friday - Week 8
Starting Weight: 200
Last Weeks Weight: 181
Current Weight: 178
Weight Loss This Week: 3
Total Weight Loss: 22
Sweet! Gotta say I'm super surprised about the weight loss this week....cause last week was so horrible. I'm so happy to have jumped right over the 20 pound mark. Only 5 more pounds till I reach my pre-preggie weight again!!
My hubby bought me an arm band for my ipod touch (for my b-day on Tuesday) so I could start C25K. He had one I could have borrowed, but it is SO much nicer having one of my own. I started on Wednesday and loved it. I ran again tonight and thought I was going to die before I hit the half way point...but I pushed through and made it. We'll see how the next jog goes...there are three runs per week...and I'm thinking I might have to repeat the first week...LOVE the program though...LOVE that I get to use my own music. I really have to go through my music though, since I've only got 22 songs on there and I can only listen to those so many times before they will start to drive me batty. What's your favorite workout song?
I have a new recipe this week! My mother made some ratatouille and it's super easy to make. So I wrote up the recipe for Gigi's Ratatouille on Spark People. I'm still hoping to do a digi page for it...just didn't seem to have the time this week. Enjoy!
Hope everyone had a great healthy week and hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Sham Rock
We got the chance to show the shirts off at NTIF this past weekend. It's always nice to overhear people say how "cool" they think your crafty projects turned out. :o)

Sunday, March 06, 2011
Meet Jim

Thursday I woke up (or rather gave up trying to sleep and got out of bed) and felt the strong desire to make a bear....so I found a pattern in one of my craft books (The Toy Box) and went to it.
It consumed my day.
Jim was easy(ish) to make. He certainly came together a lot faster than I thought he would.
He did however take a LOT of hand stitching. His ears were the hardest.
He doesn't have eyes, because I didn't have any and buttons didn't seem like a good idea. I think being blind suits him.
Munch loves him. Even though he insisted that Jim looked like Mickey Mouse at first.
Nox does too....which Munch does not like, don't worry I'll make another for Nox (or Munch, they can fight it out.)
I adore him. Everytime I look at him I love him more. I don't usually feel that way about anything I make.
Saturday, March 05, 2011
Friday, March 04, 2011
Fat Ass Friday - Week 7
Link up your post at You Don't Know.
Starting Weight: 200
Last Weeks Weight: 182
Current Weight: 181
Weight Loss this Week: 1
Total Weight Lost: 19
I didn't do quite as bad as I thought I was going to do after eating out last week. However I'm worried about this coming Monday's weight in....cause this week was horrible. It's been emotionally and physically draining...I did manage to get a 3.25 mile walk in today, which was wonderful. The weather was perfect and it helped to clear my head and cheer me up. Hopefully tonight I can get a good nights sleep.
Next week will be better.
Goals for March:
Start Couch to 5K program (planning on starting Monday)
Lose the rest of that baby weight!!
Next week I hope to be back on track AND have a new recipe.
Tuesday, March 01, 2011
Cars and Cowboys

You can't see them in this picture cause he's chewing on his orange ball, but that adorable smile now includes a pair of bottom teeth :o)