edited using the coffee shop filter: butterscotch vintage
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Fuzzy Dice
I have a bunch of Christmas type stuff to post, but I thought I would post something a little less seasonal today.
My niece told the Hubby a month or so ago that she would love to find a big pair of pink fuzzy dice for her bedroom. She is in the process of redecorating and these would be perfect for her new room. SO, my hubby very kindly offered my services.
They were actually pretty easy to make, although sewing on each spot was a tad tedious.
I cut the squares 11x11 and the spots are about 3 inches and it took a whole bag of stuffing for both of them. It wasn't something I would have ever normally made, but I'm pleased with the results.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Thursday, December 01, 2011
My Memories WINNER!
Congrats Denise!! Check your inbox for your special promo code to get your very own My Memories Suite Software!
Digital Scrapbooking,
My Memories Suite
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
My Memories Suite Giveaway!
I was recently given the opportunity to review My Memories Suite software. My Memories is easy to use, digital scrapbook software. One of my favorite things to use when digi scrapping is templates. They make things come together so much faster and I can still be creative and make the layouts my own. My Memories comes with a TON of free templates! Which really makes putting together an album so much easier.
On top of free templates, you also get a large variety of scrapbook papers and elements. AND they offer a TON of free kits on their site.
As a perk of getting to try the software out myself My Memories has also asked me to do a giveaway! One lucky winner will receive their own My Memories Suite software!!
On top of free templates, you also get a large variety of scrapbook papers and elements. AND they offer a TON of free kits on their site.
Then I figured out how to do slide shows, which might be my favorite feature. This is just a short one with the fantastic photos Kim of A Thousand Words By Kim took a couple weeks ago. (I'm still working on the whole music thing, so forgive me if it sounds a bit off.)
As a perk of getting to try the software out myself My Memories has also asked me to do a giveaway! One lucky winner will receive their own My Memories Suite software!!
Digital Scrapbooking,
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Christmas Card
Big Cheers Christmas Card
Send Christmas cards personalized with your favorite photos.
View the entire collection of cards.
Our Christmas shopping isn't even close to done, but at least I got the cards ordered!! It wasn't easy, Shutterfly has a fantastic selection this year!
Monday, November 14, 2011
Get a Melissa & Doug 25% Off Coupon When You Take the North "Poll"
Melissa & Doug want you to tell them which of their educational toys you think is the
best! Just click on the image below to place your vote in the North "Poll!"
You'll Get a Melissa & Doug 25% Off Coupon** to use at
MelissaAndDoug.com just for voting!

holiday deal
Friday, November 11, 2011
FAF - Week 36
Original Starting Weight: 223
Post Preggie Starting Weight: 200
Last Weigh In: 143
Current Weight: 142
Pounds Lost This Week: 1
Total Pounds Lost: 81
I feel like I should post. I skipped last week, but I feel like FAF has really become almost a habit.
11.2 - I finally ran again. In the morning. I ran past our soon to be house and on the way back home decided to cut through the green belt and try a little trail running. I hurt my hip with that genius idea...
11.5 - I went with my sister and her maid of honor to get my matron of honor dress. They measured me at a size 4 on top and size 8 on the hips. Kinda sad it wasn't the other way around, but super happy with the number 8 anyway!! We also went with my sister so she could try on her wedding dress. She's is going to be the most beautiful bride!
11.7 - I got REALLY tired of babying my silly hip and decided to try some power yoga. Thank you Jillian for fixing my hip.
11.9 - I finally got out to run again! No running through parks this time, just a nice jog with the pup. Then I got my hair cut and colored for our family pictures on Saturday. I haven't gone this dark before and certainly never gone red(ish).

(I also haven't washed it yet...cause I'm terrified that all the color will wash out and I'll be back to my mousy brown, not to mention that I'm supposed to wash my hair in cold water and I've been freezing since Wednesday.)
We had THIS for dinner.

(I also haven't washed it yet...cause I'm terrified that all the color will wash out and I'll be back to my mousy brown, not to mention that I'm supposed to wash my hair in cold water and I've been freezing since Wednesday.)
We had THIS for dinner.
11.11 - Did a 3 mile walk with the boys and pup this morning. About to do some power yoga and then force myself into a shower. I feel gross and my hair isn't looking so pretty, so jumping into a cold shower while I'm covered in sweat should be easy. Yeah, I know I just painted a pretty picture.
Thank you to any Veterans out there! Have a happy and healthy week everyone!
Fat Ass Friday,
yummy treats
Wednesday, November 02, 2011
Our Wild Rumpus of a Halloween
A little while ago I got the opportunity to be a pattern tester for Jess of Running With Scissors. She has a wonderful pattern: Woodland Animals and I was lucky enough to test the wolf for her. I was pleasantly surprised at how easy it was to put together and her instructions are clear and easy to follow. I can't wait to try out the bear and fox that are also included in the pattern.
Munch is REALLY into Where the Wild Things Are right now. It's one of our staples at bedtime, so of course I HAD to turn the wolf costume into Max. Instead of adding the buttons and whiskers that Max has I decided instead to sew up a felt crown. Munch thought it was fantastic.

After putting so much work into Munch's awesome costume I realized I had nothing for Nox. The idea of creating a Wild Thing really scared me at first. I don't consider myself a seasoned master of the sewing machine, but in the end I had to. After all, what is Max without "Carol" by his side?

It took me the better part of a weekend to figure out how to create this costume, but in the end it was pretty easy. I took the Woodland Animals pattern and basically removed the bottom half. I kept the zipper, though in hind sight it probably wasn't needed. I cut stripes out of brown flannel and sewed them onto the main gold fabric, then drew up a pattern for Carol's horns. For an added Wild Thing touch I added a pair of felt claws.
After that I grabbed my trusty Made by Rae: Big Butt Baby Pants pattern and created Carol's legs. I had a black fabric pen on hand and drew all the scales.
I ended up with a pretty fantastic little Wild Thing!

The boys really loved their costumes and really got into character for the hundreds of photos I took.
After that I grabbed my trusty Made by Rae: Big Butt Baby Pants pattern and created Carol's legs. I had a black fabric pen on hand and drew all the scales.
I ended up with a pretty fantastic little Wild Thing!

The boys really loved their costumes and really got into character for the hundreds of photos I took.
Thanks Jess for letting me test your awesome pattern! It made me much braver with my sewing machine and I can't wait till next Halloween! I hope everyone had a great one!
pattern test,
Where the Wild Things Are
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Spooky Sunday - Spider Egg Cupcakes
Wednesday was my Mum's birthday.
So I made some (okay WAY more than some) cupcakes.
With pretty glittery black spiderwebs
and a wonderful little surprise in the center.
Everyone really liked them, especially Munch.
The center is just a cake ball from my new toy. I made the cake balls and then dropped them in when I made the cupcakes. I thought I made them orange enough, but they cooked a little lighter and I was using yellow cake instead of white, so next time I'll try white. I'll probably add some chocolate chips to the cake balls too...after all they are spider eggs...they should have some little "spiders" in there! Thanks to my hubby for coming up with the creative name!
The boys costumes are finally done! I'll be sure to post LOTS of pictures tomorrow!
yummy treats
Friday, October 28, 2011
FAF - Week 35
Original Starting Weight: 223
Post Preggie Starting Weight: 200
Last Weigh In: 143
Current Weight: 143
Pounds Lost This Week: 0
Total Pounds Lost: 80
Whoo Hoo! I know I didn't lose, but I am SO happy that I didn't gain.
- I haven't run in FOREVER.
- I only got one walk in.
- I celebrated both my parents birthdays with steak one day and ribs another.
- I suck at drinking water when the weather dips down.
Thankfully, birthdays in our house are over for a little while and I can focus on other things.
Like running, cause I signed up for a virtual 5k next week and I haven't run....so I'm scared that I'm going to suck. Thank goodness it's virtual, so no one has to watch me suck.
I also need to REALLY focus on packing. We are buying a house at the end of the month and I have packed a very little bit more than nothing. I have boxes in the garage packed to the ceiling...but with nothing actually in them.

Anyway...I could do a whole post about moving.
I finally got around to making a new recipe this week. It was SUPER easy.

I finally got around to making a new recipe this week. It was SUPER easy.

(credit: Summer Pears by Kelly's Korner)
It was also super yum! The only thing I would say is to maybe make some rice or something to go with it, cause it's not a TON of food. But, when I say easy...I mean it. Seriously one of the easiest meals I've made in a long time. Totally going in my cookbook.
Original recipe can be found on Spark People: HERE.
Have a happy and healthy week!!
Fat Ass Friday,
yummy treats
Monday, October 24, 2011
My Boys Monday: Super Birthday
We recently celebrated Munch's 3rd birthday. The original plan was to do a Dr. Seuss party, but then Munch discovered Superman...AND then Batman, Iron Man...Spiderman....you name the superhero, he probably knows exactly who you are talking about.
So Dr. Seuss will be put on the back burner for Nox next year (cause I already bought stuff.)
Planning this party was lots of fun. Although be warned, if you decide on a Superman theme you will run into problems finding much. Poor Clark just isn't as popular as he used to be.
First we did the invites. Superman T-shirt + white collar shirt + 3-D glasses with the lenses popped out make the PERFECT Clark Kent (or as Munch insists MARK Kent). We had a fantastic photo shoot and I had fun photoshopping my little guy onto a phone booth picture I found. Our Clark Kent is British...or at least his mother is....half anyway.
I wanted to have "our" photographer there, but we had a minor miscommunication and she double booked. I had a minor panic attack, cause my good(ish) camera got a scratch on it's lense and was nearing death anyway. Poor thing. Thankfully my father-in-law let me borrow his Nikon D50. He's letting me borrow it for a bit longer and I think I'm in love. I took over 300 pictures at the party...mostly just playing with the camera.
ANYWAY...here it is. We got the cupcake-cake at Target. I made three color ruffled streamers, which I think I'll be doing for every party from now on. They are just WAY more fun than regular streamers. Then I found a tutorial for a Comic Book Banner and made a couple of those too. Those were really fantastic, but it was hard to find Superman comics that would work. The better of the two is actually Spiderman.
Finishing touches included red and blue kool-aid bottles and red, blue and yellow lollipops. I was really happy with how festive it ended up looking and I think everyone had a great time.
Munch changed into several different costumes during the course of the party and I didn't manage to get a decent picture of the boys in their fantastic capes that day. BUT here they are.
These capes are fantastic. Nox is a tad small for his yet, but he has plenty of room to grow. We got them through Gramma Allie on Etsy. They are double sided so if you feel like Superman go for it....or Batman maybe? No problem. Genius! We bought our capes ready made, but she also offers a pattern to make it. I was feeling lazy, so I went with the really well made-by-someone-else cape.
There were about four million other things I wanted to do, but didn't get around to. Check out my Pinteresting Super Hero Board: HERE.
Digital Scrapbooking,
My Boys Monday
Saturday, October 22, 2011
FAF Week 34 - 80 Pounds and Counting
Original Starting Weight: 223
Post Preggie Starting Weight: 200
Post Preggie Starting Weight: 200
Last Weigh In: 146
Current Weight: 143
Pounds Lost This Week: 3
Total Pounds Lost: 80
Current Weight: 143
Pounds Lost This Week: 3
Total Pounds Lost: 80
I CANNOT believe I have made it this far. CANNOT believe.
Just eight pounds till my goal weight. I'm almost at the end of the tunnel. It's freaking insane.
I've gone from a size 22 to a size 8. I love it.
I'm sure in high school I was this size, but I can't remember it. I for sure wasn't this happy with my size in high school.
I got some cute knee high boots to celebrate.
I need to start focusing a little more on toning, now that I'm so close to my goal. I have PLENTY of time until next summer to build some muscle and look decent in a bathing suit, for the first time ever :o) AND time to get my arms looking good for my one shoulder bridesmaid dress for my little sister's wedding in April.
Have a happy and healthy week!
Fat Ass Friday,
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
It's apparently been awhile since I've sat at my sewing machine. I had to make this simple dress twice. I almost threw my machine out the window. Although, to be fair, it was probably my ability to measure and cut correctly that was the problem.
Thankfully it worked out okay.

No machines were hurt and I still have a little of the beautiful butterfly fabric left in my stash.
Wednesday, October 05, 2011
Friday, September 30, 2011
Fat Ass Friday - Week 33
Original Starting Weight: 223
Post Preggie Starting Weight: 200
Post Preggie Starting Weight: 200
Last Weigh
In: 148
Current Weight: 146
Pounds Lost This Week: 2
Total Pounds Lost: 77
Holding steady, which I am happy about. Feeling better, happy about that too. Weather may finally STAY under 100....phew.
Wednesday I tried to jog...a little over half way through my heart felt like it was just going to pound out of my chest. For a minute I tried to ignore it...then I realized that I didn't really want to die on the side of the road...so I listened and stopped jogging to walk. I jogged on and off the rest of the way and felt fine when I got home, but I guess my body wasn't quite ready to go the distance after being sick.
It was a glorious day today. In the 80s, sunny, breezy....seriously fantastic. We took an extra long walk. Loved it.
Next week I'll jog some more. Start with a 1 mile and move up from there. Hopefully my body will cooperate.
Have a happy and healthy week!!
Current Weight: 146
Pounds Lost This Week: 2
Total Pounds Lost: 77
Holding steady, which I am happy about. Feeling better, happy about that too. Weather may finally STAY under 100....phew.
Wednesday I tried to jog...a little over half way through my heart felt like it was just going to pound out of my chest. For a minute I tried to ignore it...then I realized that I didn't really want to die on the side of the road...so I listened and stopped jogging to walk. I jogged on and off the rest of the way and felt fine when I got home, but I guess my body wasn't quite ready to go the distance after being sick.
It was a glorious day today. In the 80s, sunny, breezy....seriously fantastic. We took an extra long walk. Loved it.
Next week I'll jog some more. Start with a 1 mile and move up from there. Hopefully my body will cooperate.
Have a happy and healthy week!!
Fat Ass Friday,
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Monday, September 26, 2011
My Boys Monday - Very Hungry Caterpillar
A month ago my "baby" turned one. I'm still in denial about it. I need him to stay little just a tad bit longer.
We read The Very Hungry Caterpillar to the boys pretty frequently and it seemed perfect to throw Nox a birthday party themed with the adorable little caterpillar. It was so much fun to put together and I loved all the ideas I found on Pinterest (see my board: HERE.)
The first thing I put together was the invites:
I created using a great free digi kit from Meet the Laings: HERE.
Here are some highlights of decor from the party:
With the exception of the wreath all pictures were taken by my buddy Kim with A Thousand Words by Kim. She really takes a lot of stress off me when I hire her for parties. It's really my one splurge.
The wreath I found at the dollar store and just dressed it up. The cake I was going to do myself, but decided it was a bit beyond my talents and got Target to create it for me. My favorite creation was that sun sitting behind Nox. It's still up, I just can't bring myself to take it down. I know I have to eventually, but it makes me smile.
I also made Nox's birthday outfit using my favorite pants pattern: Made by Rae's Big Butt Baby Pants. This particular pair is my favorite so far. I love the green panel in the back and the cuffs add something fun too. Doesn't hurt that my model is just so cute. ;o)
I'll leave ya tonight with a cake photo taken by Kim.
Nox just jumped right in and destroyed that cake.
My Boys Monday
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Fat Ass Friday - Week 32

Original Starting Weight: 223
Post Preggie Starting Weight: 200
Last Weigh In: 148 Current Weight: 146
Pounds Lost This Week: 2
Total Pounds Lost: 77
Whoo Hoo! I wasn't sure I was going to lose anything this week. I've been fighting something and haven't been running or doing yoga....or cleaning, doing dishes, cooking....really not much besides watching the boys and forcing myself to take them on some glorious walks.
I always forget how much I love to just walk. The weather has been perfect! A couple of warm days, but NOTHING like the awful heat that was this summer. I love it.
I'm going to continue my happy dance from the couch now. Hopefully I feel better soon. It's just a cold, but I've also been fighting this awful exhaustion for what seems like months and the combination of both is beating me up. Hubby thinks I should go to the doctor. I think I just need to rest.
Anyway, have a fabulous first week of Autumn!!
Fat Ass Friday,
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Fat Ass Friday - Week 31
Post Preggie Starting Weight: 200
Last Weigh In:
Current Weight: 148
Pounds Lost This Week:
Total Pounds Lost: 75
Whoo Hoo!! Super happy about this! Only 13 pounds to go before I reach my goal weight!
My mother and I went to Kohl's yesterday and I bought my first size SMALL shirt. I know at some point I may have been a small in the past, but I seriously can't remember when that was.
BUT....then my mother decided I needed one of these. So...we'll see how long I keep those pounds off.
I will say that I did WANT it AND she did get it so that I could make HER one of these:
I will say that I did WANT it AND she did get it so that I could make HER one of these:
Directions at Snowy Bliss.
So she wasn't trying to sabotage me, she just wanted a birthday cake.
I wonder if I can make it diet. Any one have any cake recipes that won't break the scale? I'm going to have to do some research and testing :o)
Have a happy and healthy week!
Fat Ass Friday,
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Friday, September 09, 2011
Fat Ass Friday - Week 30
Original Starting Weight: 223
Post Preggie Starting Weight: 200
Last Weigh In: 150
Last Weigh In: 150
Current Weight: 150
Pounds Lost This Week: 0
Total Pounds Lost: 73
I'm okay with this. I was REALLY annoyed this morning, cause I had gotten down to 148, but weigh in is on Fridays...NOT every day.
I've been working my butt off and getting sore. And I know that I've made progress, even if the scale says I haven't. It's a big fat liar. So I'm good. Jillian and I are becoming better friends. I ran last night and beat my person 5k record by 2 minutes. So the scale can stay where it is, as long as I continue feeling better.
In some other, awesome news. My little sis and I were going through some bags of clothes I found in our shed and we located my old size 22 pants. This past weekend I threw them on. I fit into one leg!!
I kinda want to frame them and hang them somewhere, so I never EVER forget how far I have come.Pounds Lost This Week: 0
Total Pounds Lost: 73
I'm okay with this. I was REALLY annoyed this morning, cause I had gotten down to 148, but weigh in is on Fridays...NOT every day.
I've been working my butt off and getting sore. And I know that I've made progress, even if the scale says I haven't. It's a big fat liar. So I'm good. Jillian and I are becoming better friends. I ran last night and beat my person 5k record by 2 minutes. So the scale can stay where it is, as long as I continue feeling better.
In some other, awesome news. My little sis and I were going through some bags of clothes I found in our shed and we located my old size 22 pants. This past weekend I threw them on. I fit into one leg!!
Have a happy and healthy week!
Fat Ass Friday,
Friday, September 02, 2011
Fat Ass Friday - Week 29
Current Weight: 150
Pounds Lost This Week: 0
Total Pounds Lost: 73
Pounds Lost This Week: 0
Total Pounds Lost: 73
I actually lost a pound last week...and then gained it back. I'm telling myself it's because I FINALLY started strength training/yoga and my body is gaining muscle. Could be the cupcakes I ate for Nox's first birthday though. Hmmm....let's just stick with the yoga theory.
I bought Jillian Michael's Yoga Meltdown. I was looking for Bob's DVD...cause he is better looking and SO much nicer, but sadly I couldn't find it...so Jillian is who came home with me. I was actually pleasantly surprised. She was nicer than I expected AND I didn't want to die AND I am more flexible than little Miss Fitness...SO I did some bouncing off the walls. I was sore for a couple days after and Jillian does not work well on days I plan on doing a long run, but we can totally be yoga buddies.
Speaking of bouncing off walls. A couple weekends ago I went with my sister for the final dress trying on. Last time I couldn't get the dresses zipped. Which was slightly embarrassing, cause I was surrounded by the skinny bridesmaids. THIS time it was just me...and they were able to zip up the dress AND they had to clip me in it! Seriously?! I am still attempting back flips. I wonder if Jillian has a video for that? I wish I could have gotten pictures, but they store thought they were super fancy and wouldn't let us take them. Evil.
I bought Jillian Michael's Yoga Meltdown. I was looking for Bob's DVD...cause he is better looking and SO much nicer, but sadly I couldn't find it...so Jillian is who came home with me. I was actually pleasantly surprised. She was nicer than I expected AND I didn't want to die AND I am more flexible than little Miss Fitness...SO I did some bouncing off the walls. I was sore for a couple days after and Jillian does not work well on days I plan on doing a long run, but we can totally be yoga buddies.
Speaking of bouncing off walls. A couple weekends ago I went with my sister for the final dress trying on. Last time I couldn't get the dresses zipped. Which was slightly embarrassing, cause I was surrounded by the skinny bridesmaids. THIS time it was just me...and they were able to zip up the dress AND they had to clip me in it! Seriously?! I am still attempting back flips. I wonder if Jillian has a video for that? I wish I could have gotten pictures, but they store thought they were super fancy and wouldn't let us take them. Evil.
In other news the HIGHS for next week are in the 90s! Monday there is a HIGH of 88. I cannot remember the last time I was so excited...we are totally taking the boys on a walk..and going to the park and celebrating! I'm was begining to think it would stay in the 100s FOREVER...and that I would NEVER be able to take a walk with my kids again...EVER. I may go crazy and even go for a jog in the daylight...with the sun on my face.
Have a happy, healthy and hopefully cooler week!
Fat Ass Friday,
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