
Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Welcome Home Wednesday: Munch's Cave

Please excuse the mess while Angie of My So Called Chaos and Health Not to Health Nut works on revamping my blog. Super excited about it!!

This week I'm sharing Munch's room, before he moved into it. 
 (above: view from doorway. window looks over front yard)

 (above: view from right corner)

(above: view from left corner. you can just see the patch of flooring that wasn't completed in the closet. note: there is an extremely tiny opening (about house elf size) leading to the attic in Munch's closet, if we ever have the money it would be really nice to make a human size opening maybe in the hall outside the boys rooms.)

Munch's Cave To Do List:
  • Finish flooring in closet.  Thanks, Honey!!
  • Paint Thanks, Honey!
  • Get and install more sturdy curtain rod.  Completed today!! Thanks, Honey!!
  • Get Munch's fan from Mum's and install here
  • Hang pictures/artwork
Next week I'll share the after pictures!


  1. I'm loving the changes here!

    Making over a room is so much work, too. Can't wait to see the finished product.

  2. Way cool that someone else is revamping your blog for you! :) And you already know, I totally love both your boys' rooms! You did such a great job on them!
