
Monday, June 10, 2013

Project Life: Week 30

Well I did it!! The rest of the pictures for 2012 are in line to be printed. SO SO excited. I can't wait to be working on just 2013. CANNOT WAIT. Yay!

Here are the final pages of Book 1 - 2012
Week 30:
Really nothing impressive this week. Really, I was more concerned with just getting it done, so I stayed as simple as possible. 

page one:
Almost all the paper I used for this week came from my old Club Scrap stash. Love the blue with the circles. 
The label on my date card came from The Dollar Store. Just a basic few days. Nothing exciting happening here. 

page two:
More normal stuff. We watched the opening of the Olympics...which was nearly impossible with Nox and Munch running around like mad men, but we managed. Mr. Bean was my favorite part. I have a huge soft spot for Rowan Atkinson. He never fails to make me smile. I MIGHT come back and add a journal card, but I got tired of thinking about it, so I didn't when I was putting the page together. 

final page:
The pictures on this page are actually from July 29, but it was still the last week of the month. We went into Dallas to celebrate John's birthday a little early with my sister and her husband. I created the C.S. Lewis card in photoshop. Kinda love this for the final page of Book One. :o)

I'll be linking up with The Mom Creative tomorrow:

The Mom Creative


  1. LOL We love Mr. Bean, too!!!

    Your pages look great, and I love your header! Its adorable!


  2. Great pages! I love the C.S. Lewis quote you used!

  3. I really like how you used the 4 square layout pages and basically made mini scrap pages out of them. I will have to remember that for the future! I also love the blue and red combo. Beautiful!!

  4. Congratulations on getting the last of your 2012 photos to the printer! I was playing catch-up for most of last year, and it was such a challenge, but it's SO GREAT to have that album!
    I LOVE that you included the picture of Mr. Bean from the opening ceremonies! We loved that, too, but I didn't even think to include it in my album. I need to remember to include that kind of thing!

  5. I ♥ that bright & colorful card w/ the C.S. Lewis quote. And how fun that you used the Design E w/ the 4 big squares. Looks great!
