
Friday, January 13, 2012

Fitness Friday - Week 2

Original Starting Weight: 223
Last Weigh In: 147
Current Weight: 146
Pounds lost since last weight in: 1
Total Pounds Lost: 77

Despite losing a pound I've actually had a rough week eating. It's like my body was desperate to reject all things healthy. Tuesday I just gave up completely and spent all my time (that wasn't spent parenting) on the couch curled into a tight ball and wishing my stomach would just die and leave me alone.

However if we pretend Tuesday didn't happen this week has been great as far as workouts are concerned.
  • Saturday I went on an early morning jog. I started C25K again(ish) and decided I could handle Week 5 Day 1.
  • Sunday my sister and I went for a jog at a local nature reserve. It was awesome having a jogging buddy and even better that we were able to talk a majority of the time. We ended our workout with brunch, which just made the morning even more perfect. When I got home I decided to go crazy and rake our front yard. Our neighbors cedar lost all it's needles all over our yard. Between the front and back we filled almost 6 bags. Ridiculous.
  • Monday, I was SO sore. I did yoga, but not my usual video because that woman was just too happy for me to deal with...and I was already feeling kinda crap.
  • Wednesdays John is home so I got to take an awesome jog and pretty much found my new 5k route. Just need to add a street somewhere.
  • Thursday, John worked from home so when the boys went down for their naps I went out with the pup for a nice long walk.
In other news. My sister won't be joining me for The Color Run. Somehow she forgot that she was going to be in New Orleans. Punk. I wish I was going with her. John is really excited about joining me though and my sister and I are going to find another 5k to do together.

Last week I tried a Broccoli and Cheese Soup. It was really easy and tasted really good. Wonderful for a cold day. I didn't think it reheated very well, but John did. I'm thinking it may have tasted fine and it was just my quirky stomach overworking my imagination. Here is the recipe!
Created using - Hootin' Annie by Raspberry Road Designs
(Nutritional info can be found on Spark People.)

Have a happy and healthy week!!


  1. Stopping by via FAF.

    I'm so impressed with your weight loss! YOU GO GIRL! Do you watch what you eat too or just work out? I've always worked out but never ever diet. I've changed and started a diet. Now I'm seeing results and I love it!

    GOOD LUCK TO YOU! What's your goal weight?

  2. Awesome job on the workouts!! Stopping by via FAF

  3. Good job on your workouts! Yoga is such a great thing. I should really consider working that back in.

    My shingles are getting better, so I'm looking forward to starting my C25K this week. :-)
