
Friday, January 06, 2012

Fitness Friday - Week 1

Original Starting Weight: 223
Last Weigh In: 142
Starting Weight for 2012: 147
Pounds GAINED since last weight in: 5
Total Pounds Lost: 76
I lost a total of 53 pounds in 2011!! I really and truly can't believe it. I did gain a little weight over the holidays but it's NOTHING compared with what is gone and I know I can lose those 5 pounds again. I am just so proud of how far I have come. 76 pounds just amazes me.
Here are my goals for 2012:
1. Run The Color Run with my little sister in February. I haven't run a 5k in a while, but I'm really going to work at being ready for this. It looks like SUCH a fun run for my first race. 

2. Drink my 8 glasses EVERY DAY.  (So far so good)
3. Try a new healthy recipe once a week. I've been wanting to do this for a while and there are certainly enough of them on my list to try.  (Broccoli Cheese Soup is in the crock pot for tonight! I'll be sure to share it next week!)

4. A minimum of 10 fitness per day. Ideally these would be running, but I need to be realistic. I won't run if the weather is horrible and I know it.  (check)
5. Reach my goal weight of 135 before my sister's wedding on April 28th.

Easy peasy. There is NO reason I cannot reach these goals.

I was a slacker during November and December, but I'm back to being really active on Spark People. Feel free to friend me if you are chillin' there too! My user name is Rencherry! 
As always I'm linking up with Brandy!


  1. SO awesome, Cerise. And the Color Run... UM... Pretty sure I'm going to have to do that also. (though I'll be walking) With, or without your approval! I'm telling my sis about it right NOW! That looks AWESOME!

  2. Oh my, you have inspired me! The color run looks AWESOME and I'm thrilled that there's not 1 but 2 that are within 3 hours of my city. Now I just need to decide if I should shoot for March in Atlanta or October in Nashville. Decisions...

    Congrats on all your fitness accomplishments and I'm looking forward to following your continued progress!
