
Friday, January 27, 2012

Fitness Friday - Week 4

Original Starting Weight: 223
Last Weigh In: 144
Current Weight: 147
Pounds GAINED since last weight in: 3
Total Pounds Lost: 76
Saturday I got in my week 6, 20 minute run. It was wonderful.
Sunday and Monday I got some gardening in...
Tuesday I took the boys and the pup for a walk...and my whole week took a really bad turn.
Kaiser is a sweet dog. He LOVES people. He adores playing and going for walks and runs. And he is fantastic at cuddling. However, he is NOT a huge fan of other dogs. Especially ones that are running loose.
I made the a turn down the WRONG street. There were two dogs that we saw running around free. No owner in site. I crossed the street and they were fine staying on the opposite side from us, although they did follow us...putting Kaiser on to FULL alert. We were passing a driveway when a corgi came running out and Kaiser just reacted. Badly. Then I reacted STUPIDLY. I tried to break things up and got bit. Not sure by which dog, but I'm almost positive it wasn't Kaiser. Cause Kaiser got a vice like grip on the corgi and would NOT let go. It took two guys (including the corgi's owner) to pull Kaiser off. Thankfully, the corgi was fine. I don't know how, but Kaiser didn't hurt her.
One of my biggest pet peeves is people completely ignoring leash laws. Even worse if you just let your dog out your front door cause they need to potty and then forget all about them. I don't care how tame or friendly you think they are. Stuff happens. If you care about your pup you would have them on a leash or let them out into a fenced area. My control is limited to my strength and the length of Kaiser's leash. Ugh...nightmare. Kaiser will be going to training for his dog related aggression issues. I wish the other owner could go to training on how to be a better owner. finger is okay. Hurts like hell, but it's still there, even though Munch will tell you "A dog ate it." I had to have a tetanus shot...which still feels awful. The Dr. wouldn't give me stitches on Tuesday, but I go back today to see if it's healing the way it should. If not, then stitches it is. It looks like it's doing okay though.
Badly injured finger means no yoga, heavy rain means no running. Badly injured finger also means medication..which means I can't drink. And after the pain and stress of getting bitten while breaking up a dog fight I feel like I deserve a few drinks. I drowned my misery in junk food instead. I know, I know, AWFUL. If the weather were better and the meds didn't make me dizzy I may have gone for a run to clear my head and de-stress. Alas that was not meant to be.
It looks like we will be rain free next week, so I hope to get some outdoor workouts in soon. Even if they are just some good walks.

At least I had an adventure! I'm looking forward to a MUCH happier and healthier week.

Monday, January 23, 2012

My Boys Monday: Gifts from Alexander Girl

For Christmas the boys each got a handmade item from my father's girlfriend.

Munch got these adorbale blue cord overalls. Usually he's not a fan of overalls, but he LOVES these. They are really well made and look super comfy. Of course no overalls are complete without your pirate gear!

Nox got this adorable shirt that she drew his name onto. She made a shirt like this for Munch last year, so I was really excited when Nox got one too. This isn't a great picture of the shirt, but it's beach themed and super cute. 

If you are looking for some fun shirts she also has a store on etsy: Alexander Girl.

She doesn't sell these items in it, but she has some great reverse applique. I'm kinda partial to this Texas tee.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Fitness Friday - Week 3

Original Starting Weight: 223
Last Weigh In: 146
Current Weight: 144
Pounds lost since last weight in: 2
Total Pounds Lost: 79
The weather has been awesome this week for getting runs and walks in. I haven't gotten up to jogging the whole time again, but I did find a great 5k route. I'm going to work on that a couple times a week and then do an easier jog once a week. The easy jog will be with my sister, although she is catching me up quickly on c25k so it won't be easy for long! She is in NYC this weekend, so I don't have a jogging buddy. :o(
On Wednesday I was going through my closet and I found an old dress I stole out of my sister's donate pile. Honestly I NEVER EVER thought this dress would fit. I was so excited that it did, even if I don't have anywhere to wear it and it has a coffee stain down the front of it.
Our new recipe this week is for a turkey mushroom swiss burger. Super yummy.
 credits: National Scrapbook Day
Templates from Sweet Shoppe Design and Autumn Potpourri by Mscraps

For the original recipe w/nutritional facts please visit SparkPeople: HERE.
Have a happy and healthy week!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Valentine's Day Wreath

Last year I got a heart shaped wreath on clearance. It took me until just last week to find it again. (note to self: please organize better)
Usually I kinda hate pink, but I had some pink yarn on hand and I decided for Valentine's Day I could make an exception.

I crocheted up a bunch of little hearts to add a little something.

They are perfect for using up my yarn remnants. I will be making a LOT more.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Fitness Friday - Week 2

Original Starting Weight: 223
Last Weigh In: 147
Current Weight: 146
Pounds lost since last weight in: 1
Total Pounds Lost: 77

Despite losing a pound I've actually had a rough week eating. It's like my body was desperate to reject all things healthy. Tuesday I just gave up completely and spent all my time (that wasn't spent parenting) on the couch curled into a tight ball and wishing my stomach would just die and leave me alone.

However if we pretend Tuesday didn't happen this week has been great as far as workouts are concerned.
  • Saturday I went on an early morning jog. I started C25K again(ish) and decided I could handle Week 5 Day 1.
  • Sunday my sister and I went for a jog at a local nature reserve. It was awesome having a jogging buddy and even better that we were able to talk a majority of the time. We ended our workout with brunch, which just made the morning even more perfect. When I got home I decided to go crazy and rake our front yard. Our neighbors cedar lost all it's needles all over our yard. Between the front and back we filled almost 6 bags. Ridiculous.
  • Monday, I was SO sore. I did yoga, but not my usual video because that woman was just too happy for me to deal with...and I was already feeling kinda crap.
  • Wednesdays John is home so I got to take an awesome jog and pretty much found my new 5k route. Just need to add a street somewhere.
  • Thursday, John worked from home so when the boys went down for their naps I went out with the pup for a nice long walk.
In other news. My sister won't be joining me for The Color Run. Somehow she forgot that she was going to be in New Orleans. Punk. I wish I was going with her. John is really excited about joining me though and my sister and I are going to find another 5k to do together.

Last week I tried a Broccoli and Cheese Soup. It was really easy and tasted really good. Wonderful for a cold day. I didn't think it reheated very well, but John did. I'm thinking it may have tasted fine and it was just my quirky stomach overworking my imagination. Here is the recipe!
Created using - Hootin' Annie by Raspberry Road Designs
(Nutritional info can be found on Spark People.)

Have a happy and healthy week!!

Friday, January 06, 2012

Fitness Friday - Week 1

Original Starting Weight: 223
Last Weigh In: 142
Starting Weight for 2012: 147
Pounds GAINED since last weight in: 5
Total Pounds Lost: 76
I lost a total of 53 pounds in 2011!! I really and truly can't believe it. I did gain a little weight over the holidays but it's NOTHING compared with what is gone and I know I can lose those 5 pounds again. I am just so proud of how far I have come. 76 pounds just amazes me.
Here are my goals for 2012:
1. Run The Color Run with my little sister in February. I haven't run a 5k in a while, but I'm really going to work at being ready for this. It looks like SUCH a fun run for my first race. 

2. Drink my 8 glasses EVERY DAY.  (So far so good)
3. Try a new healthy recipe once a week. I've been wanting to do this for a while and there are certainly enough of them on my list to try.  (Broccoli Cheese Soup is in the crock pot for tonight! I'll be sure to share it next week!)

4. A minimum of 10 fitness per day. Ideally these would be running, but I need to be realistic. I won't run if the weather is horrible and I know it.  (check)
5. Reach my goal weight of 135 before my sister's wedding on April 28th.

Easy peasy. There is NO reason I cannot reach these goals.

I was a slacker during November and December, but I'm back to being really active on Spark People. Feel free to friend me if you are chillin' there too! My user name is Rencherry! 
As always I'm linking up with Brandy!

Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Birdseed Ornaments and a House

Another gift I decided to make this year was birdseed ornaments. I found a great tutorial over at Saltwater - Kids. It was a pretty sticky project, but Munch and I had a great time making them.

 We saved some to hang outside for our birdy friends (AND squirrel friends...lets not forget them!)

Munch also did a fantastic job painting a bird house for Nana to go with her batch of ornaments.

Didn't the house turn out great?! I have a couple little ones I have to prep so Munch can paint them for our new garden.
The birdseed ornaments barely lasted a week. I'm so happy the birds found our little yard. Munch and I are going to have to make them more ornaments soon. Perhaps ALL hearts this time since Valentine's Day is right around the corner. 

Monday, January 02, 2012

My Boys Monday - Look What Hubby Made

Okay so technically this post is more about me than the boys...BUT one of the "boys" did make it!
The week before Christmas, John started disappearing into the garage with strict instructions that I was not to enter. I seriously had no idea what on earth he was doing in there.
Christmas morning I opened this:

Isn't it beautiful? I told him I would LOVE one like my best bud, Alisha has (HERE) and he made one. Alisha's had a mat for a  picture, but I love that all the thread is visible. It will look even better when I actually get all my thread into it! I love that my husband has found something creative that he likes to do...and that I benefit from. :o)