
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Fat Ass Friday - Week 2

Link up your post at You Don't Know!
Starting Weight: 200
Current Weight: 190
Pounds Lost: 10

Super excited about reaching the 10 pound mark. 17 to go before I'm at my pre preggie weight again! Can't wait to fit back into my skinny jeans!
This week we were super lucky and got some awesome weather. I decided to be brave the other day and take the double stroller AND our dog for a walk. I've NEVER done this before, since Kaiser is a puller on the best of days. I'm surprised my arm hasn't been ripped out of it's socket. BUT, the pup was sitting so nicely by the door I could hardly say no and it was actually a pleasent experience. In fact it was so pleasent that we really got to enjoy the 60 degree weather yesterday and took a 3 mile walk. Probably a little much for Munch...he was SO ready to get out of the stroller, but I enjoyed it.
Here is my recipe for the week. I recently discovered that my crockpot is my best bud and Crockpot Southwestern Chicken is one of my new favorites. It's SO yummy...even better when you add some hot sauce. We found the recipe on Spark People: here. I made the page 8 1/2 x 11 so it would print easily.
Created using Homecooked Happiness by Dielle Designs

Here is the Nutritional Info per serving if ya want it:
Calories: 392.4
Total Fat: 3.4 g
Cholesterol: 133.4 mg
Sodium: 1,554.9 mg
Total Carbs: 36.4 g
Dietary Fiber: 7.8 g
Protein: 60.2 g
In other, non weight related news....You Don't Know and A Little Dirt Never Hurt are hosting a Cheer up!! Swap. I totally joined. It's my first ever swap and I'm excited :o) The more the merrier, so GO join!! Entry is open until Jan. 30th

Monday, January 24, 2011

My Boys Monday

Munch's 1st Valentine's Day
I can't figure out if I like the layout with the journaling or the one without. The journaling is lyric's from The Beatles "I Will", which I sing to Munch when I put him to bed. He actually sung along the other night. Which was AWESOME.
Anyway...which one do you like?
Valentine's Day 2009 - My Love Kit by Pure Creativity Designs and My Favorite Pages Freebie Template by Photo Cowgirl

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Fat Ass Friday

I know, this isn't very crafty, but since losing weight is one of my major goals for the year, I decided to stray from my crafty blogging....just for one day of the week...and link up with Brandy of You Don't Know for her Fat Ass Friday. Just a warning...this post might get long.

After I had Munch, I decided it was time to lose some serious weight. I wanted to get in shape, so I could chase my little man around and I wanted to look in the mirror and be proud of what I saw. Hubby felt the same way, so in April of 2009 we joined Spark People. By the time I got pregnant with Nox we had a combined weight loss of 95 pounds!

Original Starting Weight - 223
Preggie Starting Weight - 173

Unfortunately pregnancy makes me hungry...and lazy. So basically I ate and slept a LOT for nine months.

Weight gained during pregnancy - 27 (YIKES)

Part of me is sad that I gained so much during my pregnancy, but another part is grateful that I had a happy and healthy pregnancy despite the weight gain. I'm more sad for Hubby, who gained about the same amount of sympathy weight. We tried to start up again in November, but the stress of the holidays proved to be too much. So we tried to be good(ish) and finally got serious again on January 3rd.

Post Preggie Starting Weight - 20o - Thanksgiving 2010
Current - 192
Lost - 8
Saturday I got new walking shoes from Luke's Locker. My awesome mother gave me a gift card and my awesome sister went with me. Luke's Locker was a GREAT place to go. They looked at my old shoes and then watched me walk around so they could see where I placed my weight while walking. (They asked me to run, but I couldn't help laughing at that request.) My new asics are fantastic! They are like walking on air.

Last week the boys decided that they were going to coordinate SOME of their nap times, so Monday I decided to really start taking advantage of that, by making some of that time, work out time. When it's nice out we'll take walks before nap time, but right now Leslie Sansone is my work out buddy.

Spark People Recipes is full of great meal options. I'm HUGE on easy and really hate long ingredient lists, that have large portions full of stuff I've never even heard of. Spark People has PLENTY of recipes that a perfect for me. I'm working on putting a cookbook together for me and my hubby. Maybe next week I'll start sharing a scrapped recipe page. Then this blog entry can be a little crafty :o)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Gifts for my niece and nephew

I'm FINALLY getting around to posting the gifts I made my niece and nephew for Christmas.
For my nephew I made an activity bag like the one I made Munch for his birthday.

I included plenty of fun stuff to keep him busy and included a crayon roll.

For my niece I made this Buttercup Bag from Made By Rae. I've been meaning to make one for myself for a while now, but it seemed perfect for her. Totally making a more adult version for myself next. Would make a cute clutch for a night out; provided I use the fabric.
I added some fun goodies to the bag, including this tissue holder.
I think the gifts were a hit. My niece didn't believe I made the bag, because I put a Craft Cherry tag in it and nothing handmade should have a tag in it, right? :o)

Saturday, January 08, 2011

Scrappy Saturday

Doing a little catch up on my pregnancy scrapbook for Lennox. In the bottom far right picture I'm actually in labor. If you look closely you can see the pained expression from a contraction.
Waiting for You:
P365 Templates 1 by lindsay jane, Age tendre Imagine kit by Fran and Word Art from Freebie Long Lines by Lien Clickphoto designs

Friday, January 07, 2011

Photo Friday

This is basically how we've spent the first week of 2011. Sick and snuggling on the couch.
Despite this we have had a great first week. Hubby and I started Spark People up again on Monday. Nox has officially moved out of our room and into his own crib. He's doing great during nap and bed time AND his nap time overlaps with Munch's nap time...SO I get Mama time!! Finally, Nox had his 4 month appointment this week and we got the okay to start feeding him! We gave him his first bowl of baby cereal last night and he LOVED it. :o)
Next week I'm hoping I can start working out again.

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Wish List Wednesday - Resolutions and a Final Farewell to 2010

For this Wish List Wednesday I'm going to list my resolutions...cause they are kinda like wishes...just ones that I'm going to do everything in my power to grant to myself.
1. I wish to lose this baby weight...and then some. I got back on Spark People this Monday and the plan is to lose at least 50 pounds...but I would be happy with 40. I did it in 2009, I can do it in 2011. I have to...cause my sister is getting married in 2012 and the other 5 girls are adorable little stick people. Seriously don't want to be the potato standing with the sticks.
2. I'm not really a Christmas fan...I used to be...but the stress has almost killed me for the past 3 years. I'm next wish is to have all Christmas shopping DONE by Thanksgiving. My current oath is that if it is not bought or made by Thanksgiving, it's not getting bought or made, unless I'm making you something that has and experation the yummy shortbread I made for my father. I think this will cut my stress in least...cause I won't have to brave the crazy Christmas crowds at the mall or go crazy searching for stuff online. It's not that I don't enjoy giving, it's just that I get really stressed out trying to think of the absolutely perfect thing. I just want to be able to sit back and enjoy the season.
On to more fun stuff! Here is the final calendar page for 2010.
December: Happiest Season on All by Everyday Mom Ideas and Template #245 from Designs by Andrea Gold
I made a cute slide show of the year on photobucket...but I wasn't able to figure out how to get
it to show on my blog. However, should you want to see it, the tiny image is linked.

2010 A Year in Review

Hope everyone has a fantastic 2011. Hugs!!

Monday, January 03, 2011

My Boys Monday - Gift for Hubby

Cheri from I Am Momma - Here Me Roar guest blogged this project on kojodesigns and I just had to make it for my hubby. Who doesn't love cubicle snacks?
Plus it gave me the perfect opportunity to play with my newly purchased digi kit: Vintage Carnival by Sahlin Studios. My FIRST purchased kit, I loved it that much.
Here is my SWEET little Nox.
My SOUR Munch. (This isn't a fit face...the fit face is just scary.)
And this is NUTTY lil' me :o) And here is the finish product!
Sweet jar filled with Dark Chocolate Kisses
Sour jar filled with Sour Patch Kids
Nutty jar filled with Mixed Nuts

Hubby couldn't wait to bring it in to work. I'm so lucky to have a husband that likes to show off my crafty crafts :o)