
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Fat Ass Friday - Week 2

Link up your post at You Don't Know!
Starting Weight: 200
Current Weight: 190
Pounds Lost: 10

Super excited about reaching the 10 pound mark. 17 to go before I'm at my pre preggie weight again! Can't wait to fit back into my skinny jeans!
This week we were super lucky and got some awesome weather. I decided to be brave the other day and take the double stroller AND our dog for a walk. I've NEVER done this before, since Kaiser is a puller on the best of days. I'm surprised my arm hasn't been ripped out of it's socket. BUT, the pup was sitting so nicely by the door I could hardly say no and it was actually a pleasent experience. In fact it was so pleasent that we really got to enjoy the 60 degree weather yesterday and took a 3 mile walk. Probably a little much for Munch...he was SO ready to get out of the stroller, but I enjoyed it.
Here is my recipe for the week. I recently discovered that my crockpot is my best bud and Crockpot Southwestern Chicken is one of my new favorites. It's SO yummy...even better when you add some hot sauce. We found the recipe on Spark People: here. I made the page 8 1/2 x 11 so it would print easily.
Created using Homecooked Happiness by Dielle Designs

Here is the Nutritional Info per serving if ya want it:
Calories: 392.4
Total Fat: 3.4 g
Cholesterol: 133.4 mg
Sodium: 1,554.9 mg
Total Carbs: 36.4 g
Dietary Fiber: 7.8 g
Protein: 60.2 g
In other, non weight related news....You Don't Know and A Little Dirt Never Hurt are hosting a Cheer up!! Swap. I totally joined. It's my first ever swap and I'm excited :o) The more the merrier, so GO join!! Entry is open until Jan. 30th


  1. thanks for signing up for the swap and for doing fat ass friday. and you are awesome! yay for your 10lbs. And wow - that recipe looks awesome and I'm totally making that this week.

  2. Congrats on your overall loss so far! I'm going to join in on FAF tomorrow and it'll be my first time. Yay!

    I love your digital scrapbooking layouts. I'm a traditional scrapbooker, but dabble in digital around the holidays to make photobooks for family. Maybe one of these days I'll get more into it!

    And I love your mad sewing skills! I have a list of 101 things that I want to accomplish in 1,001 days. One thing I want to do is learn how to use my sewing machine. My daughters would be thrilled if I could make some cool stuff for them!

  3. hopping over from Brandy's blog. congrats on the 10lbs. and that soup sounds yummy!!

  4. YUM YUM YUM!! I'm stopping by from Brandy's blog! Thanks for sharing the recipe! I'll definitely be trying it ASAP.

    Congrats on the weight loss!!

  5. Congratulations girl! PLEASE, keep up the recipe sharing. I WILL be trying this. Looks great!

  6. That sounds really good!! Keep up the good work! Your doing awesome! :D

  7. Brandy mentioned your southwest crockpot chicken recipe on her blog and I had to check it out! Sounds great! Congrats on your 10 pounds--that's fantasic!
