
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Fat Ass Friday

I know, this isn't very crafty, but since losing weight is one of my major goals for the year, I decided to stray from my crafty blogging....just for one day of the week...and link up with Brandy of You Don't Know for her Fat Ass Friday. Just a warning...this post might get long.

After I had Munch, I decided it was time to lose some serious weight. I wanted to get in shape, so I could chase my little man around and I wanted to look in the mirror and be proud of what I saw. Hubby felt the same way, so in April of 2009 we joined Spark People. By the time I got pregnant with Nox we had a combined weight loss of 95 pounds!

Original Starting Weight - 223
Preggie Starting Weight - 173

Unfortunately pregnancy makes me hungry...and lazy. So basically I ate and slept a LOT for nine months.

Weight gained during pregnancy - 27 (YIKES)

Part of me is sad that I gained so much during my pregnancy, but another part is grateful that I had a happy and healthy pregnancy despite the weight gain. I'm more sad for Hubby, who gained about the same amount of sympathy weight. We tried to start up again in November, but the stress of the holidays proved to be too much. So we tried to be good(ish) and finally got serious again on January 3rd.

Post Preggie Starting Weight - 20o - Thanksgiving 2010
Current - 192
Lost - 8
Saturday I got new walking shoes from Luke's Locker. My awesome mother gave me a gift card and my awesome sister went with me. Luke's Locker was a GREAT place to go. They looked at my old shoes and then watched me walk around so they could see where I placed my weight while walking. (They asked me to run, but I couldn't help laughing at that request.) My new asics are fantastic! They are like walking on air.

Last week the boys decided that they were going to coordinate SOME of their nap times, so Monday I decided to really start taking advantage of that, by making some of that time, work out time. When it's nice out we'll take walks before nap time, but right now Leslie Sansone is my work out buddy.

Spark People Recipes is full of great meal options. I'm HUGE on easy and really hate long ingredient lists, that have large portions full of stuff I've never even heard of. Spark People has PLENTY of recipes that a perfect for me. I'm working on putting a cookbook together for me and my hubby. Maybe next week I'll start sharing a scrapped recipe page. Then this blog entry can be a little crafty :o)


  1. thanks so much for linking up and sharing all your numbers! I love that you shared so many links - and i need to check out the recipes. because that's me short& sweet

    i also need new workout shoes.

  2. good luck with your weight loss. You can do it.

  3. Cerise - I give you a lot of credit for posting such personal information! Losing weight while being the mother of 2 small children is one of the hardest things you will ever do! I know you can do it! I have some great recipes that I will send you that are easy and healthy. Good luck...just remember, easy is lazy, you have to do the work to get what you want!!! We're rooting for you!!! oxoxoxoxo
