
Monday, June 03, 2013

Project Life: Weeks 23 and 29

This morning, I finished Book 1 of 2012. Super excited. It runs from January to the end of July and it's done.  I thought about just posting all the pages I haven't so far, just to finish it off, but it would have been WAY to photo heavy. So I'll finish Book 1 up next week. 
In case you are paying attention I skipped week 23. It took me forever to figure this layout out, cause I really had no pictures. It is actually the last week I completed. Completely out of order. Please excuse the photos, I wanted to get them taken before naptime ended and the lighting was not awesome. 
week 23:

page one:
 Not a whole heck of a lot this week. It was the week after our vacation to Galveston, so we were just trying to get back into the swing of things. 

Yep...put an insert into a week of nothing. Just how it ended up working out. The insert is all about us painting, putting up lighting and getting my grandparent's dining room furniture. I have plans to add a couple of old family photos of us around the table, just as soon as I can find them.

page two:
After staring and staring at this week, wondering how to fill it (for weeks....seriously) I decided it would be nice to document my charm bracelet. I was able to make a full page spread; just on my collection. I'm glad I have it documented. Each charm means so much to me. As I add more, I'll document them too. 

Week 29:

page one:
Completely forgot to even prepare a picture to print for 7.16, but it's in line to get printed now. 
My little sister came over for a playdate and they all plugged in to their various devices. Munch drew a fantastic whale. Diana Gabaldon announced that her Outlander series would be made into a TV series. SO SO excited. We also had a visit from an insanely large spider. It spent the day OUTSIDE our dining room window. The boys were in love and named him Peter Parker. I was just fine when he left the next morning. 

We spent our Friday at Grapevine Mills with my sister and Mum. Enjoyed lunch and the Rainforest Cafe, a trip to the Lego and Disney stores and a ride on the carousel. Such a fun day. 

page two:
The boys fought ghosts and skeletons one morning. I'm pretty sure I have a couple of Winchesters in the making (and before you ask...NO, we do NOT let them watch Supernatural.) The boys also got much needed haircuts. I journaled on washi tape and I'm really not sure if I like it or not. It's pretty impossible to read. John and I celebrated our 10 years of being together.  Our friends had tried and tried to get us together and it finally happened.

I'll finish up sharing book one next week! 

Will be linking up with The Mom Creative tomorrow:

The Mom Creative


  1. I love what you did with the page dedicated to your charm bracelet. How cute! I think it's a great idea. My daughter has a charm bracelet!


  2. I ♥ ♥ ♥ that idea of documenting what the charms on your bracelet mean!

    You should submit that to Becky to share w/ others!!!

  3. <<<<YES! Totally submit that idea to Becky Higgins. it is totally unique!

  4. I agree, so unique and beautiful!

  5. These pages are really great! I love how you shared what all the charms on your bracelet mean. And YAY for being done with book 1 of 2012!

  6. OMG! I am TOTALLY stealing that one! SO going to make a charm bracelet page for mine!!!
