
Friday, May 24, 2013

Five Things on Friday

1. I wanted to start this week by saying hello to all my lovely new readers! Hi and welcome! I hope you'll stay for awhile and introduce yourself. If you have a blog, I would love to come visit!! It's always so much fun to meet new blog friends.

2. Kayla over on Green Mountain Couple very kindly asked me to guest post on for Friends Friday. I'm honored to be sharing the post with Gayle over at A Gayle Force. I wrote about the bluebonnets in Texas. Go check it out HERE.

3. If you haven't already, you REALLY should head over to My So Called Chaos. Angie is having a massive group giveaway.

4. FAF is so much happier this week. I got a couple walks in and did 3 days with Jillian doing 30 day shred. Plus I've gone back to tracking my food. I feel healthier this week than I've felt in a long while...and really that matter more to me than any weight loss. I've been feeling so unhealthy and SO out of shape, but I feel like I really made a turn for the better. I hope this time I can stay on track and get back to where I want to be.
2013 Starting Weight: 165
Last Weigh In: 165
Current Weight: 165
Lost This Week: 0
Total Lost: 0
2013 miles as of last week: 141.6
Miles logged this week: 3.99
Total Miles Logged: 145.59

5. Have you got any wonderful plans for the holiday weekend? We haven't talked much about it, but I think a lot of our time will be spent knocking stuff off our to do list. I really wish we were going to Galveston again, but we decided to put our trip on hold and get some other things taken care of instead. Being a grown up really has a down side sometimes. So in between chores and catching up on some crafts, I'll be closing my eyes and wishing I were here:

If I don't see ya, have a wonderful long weekend!!


  1. At least you didn't gain! Good job girlie!

  2. I love bluebonnets. I will link over and see your guest post! Your little guys are so cute!

  3. If you get a chance, send me the links to your guest posts!
