
Saturday, September 24, 2011

Fat Ass Friday - Week 32

Original Starting Weight: 223
Post Preggie Starting Weight: 200
Last Weigh In: 148
Current Weight: 146
Pounds Lost This Week: 2
Total Pounds Lost: 77

Whoo Hoo! I wasn't sure I was going to lose anything this week. I've been fighting something and haven't been running or doing yoga....or cleaning, doing dishes, cooking....really not much besides watching the boys and forcing myself to take them on some glorious walks.

I always forget how much I love to just walk. The weather has been perfect! A couple of warm days, but NOTHING like the awful heat that was this summer. I love it.

I'm going to continue my happy dance from the couch now. Hopefully I feel better soon. It's just a cold, but I've also been fighting this awful exhaustion for what seems like months and the combination of both is beating me up. Hubby thinks I should go to the doctor. I think I just need to rest.

Anyway, have a fabulous first week of Autumn!!


  1. yeah!! alot of ppl have been worried this week including me but we all did great!
    hope u get better ..that reminds me i need to get my flu shot lol

  2. good job. i hope you feel better soon!

  3. Are you doing better with the exhaustion issue??? TJ and I are on our 2nd cold of the season. It may not be so bad, but it does drain a person. Especially if you are already having issues. How are you?
