
Sunday, August 30, 2015

And Then Nox Turned Five

My sweet and crazy Nox turned 5 today.  

He has the best crooked smile, which I realized the other day is almost exactly the same as my sister's smile. He just lights up a room.
 He loves Spidey and adores R2-D2. He's a Lego addict and will talk Mixels with anyone who listens, even if you don't listen. 
His favorite snack is "Rock Carrots" aka raw carrots and he'll down gallons of lemonade if you let him.
He loves to sing and I could listen to him all day. 
 He is a roller coaster. A crazy ball of ginger and freckles. He is stubborn and smart and impossible and amazing. 
And he's mine.
Happy Birthday, Nox! We love you. 

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Currently: Happy

Currently Happy is...

Waking up early

Enjoying our morning walks with Kaiser.

Picking up any bag he can carry and giving out air kisses. (Just like Daddy when he leaves the house for work.)

Loving his I'm a Little Teapot book. He makes me sing it a dozen times a day and his "thank-you" smiles are precious.

Dancing on tables and laughing like a maniac as Mama and Daddy run to "save" him.

Doing whatever Daddy and the Bigs are doing, whether they want him to or not. (He is, at this moment, "helping" put together our new vacuum.)

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Project Life Tuesday: Munch Edition

Lately, Munch has been completely fascinated by my Project Life albums and all my supplies. He's been begging to let him help. Instead I grabbed an "extra" album out of my stash and gave it to him. We went through my left over photos that I had copies of or ones that just didn't make the cut.

He decided to start with some 6x8 layouts and had so much fun going through my stash for the perfect embellishments.
 I told him it's important to put the date and maybe write about the picture. We got one page journaled. The rest I need to find tags for.
He used up EVERY candy corn sticker I had!
This one he used a tag he took off his new Batman jacket. He was so thrilled with the idea of reusing something for his book.

He's grown up so much since these pictures were taken. I love that he's interested in scrapping with me, because it's so nice to have a scrapping buddy.

Monday, August 24, 2015

First Day of School

It's official! I have two sweet boys in elementary school. If Happy had his way I would have THREE boys in school. 

Munch has been bouncing with excitement for the past week. He has SO been looking forward to being back at school with his friends. We were all delighted to see that he had so many good friends in his 1st grade class.
So super proud of him. He's worked hard on his reading this year and worked all summer on his work books, a lot of time without being asked. He is so ready for this year. I can't wait to see how much he grows and learns. 

My little Nox finished up his very last day of preschool on Thursday. He is so insanely happy to be in school with his big brother this year. 
I have been nervous about him starting. He's only 4 and makes cut off for this year's class by mere days. I worry about how he'll do. I wonder if he's mature enough. He might know as much, if not more than Munch did his first day. He knows all the teachers already and they all know him..but still, he's only four.
And I'll miss his crooked smile, the out of the blue hugs and kisses and his singing to himself all day as he plays. 
(I didn't start crying till now.)

I can't wait to hear about their day when we pick them up.