
Sunday, April 26, 2015

Scrappy Sunday: 3 Loves

I have been working on getting pictures organized for Happy's baby album this past week. Most of the book will be PL style which so far is working beautifully. However, there are always those stray pictures that just have to be in there, but can't really go on a PL spread all by their lonesome.

This is one of my favorite pictures and one of the very few of Happy and my sister (and my niece). It was a lucky snap with my phone and I'm so glad I captured it. 
Created using: Piccadilly collaboration by Designers for Pixels and Co and Geocaching template by 2Paws Designs.

I'm loving the flow I have right now with Happy's book and hope I can go back and finish up Munch and Nox's books in the same style. 

Friday, April 10, 2015

Eleven Months

Just one more month till our Happy little ginger turns ONE year old. 

Those top two teeth have come in, but he's still chewing everything. 

He thinks wishes make for the perfect snack. His brothers find this HILARIOUS. 

Happy is trying to go out of our 6-9 month clothes and onto our 9-12...although the pants are still insanely long and loose. 

Mama is pretty sure that walking is coming VERY soon. Happy is certainly thinking long and hard about it.

Right now Happy only gives very rare kisses, but when he's sleepy he will grab your face and pull it close to his and just smile. 
And my heart swells.