
Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Happy Seven Months

Last week our littlest bear turned SEVEN months. 
He is still as Happy as ever and always has smiles to give out. 

Those bottom teeth have officially come in and Happy is loving testing them on everything in his reach. 

He learned an impressive Army crawl just days before the 7 month I had to trap him in his pack and play to get pictures. 

He is still a little guy and just now is starting to fit into 6-9 month stuff.
My favorite moments with him this past month were snuggled up on the couch just memorizing each other's faces and his sweet smile when he wakes up and sees my face. 
Happy has also started giving big sloppy baby kisses. He is very selective about it, so it means a lot if you get one. 
He makes my heart swell. 

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Project Life 2014: Week Two

Goodness...I didn't realize just how far behind I am on sharing until today. I'm "behind" on my books too, but I'm okay with that. I've got a lot on my plate, but I have figured out a flow...and I'm loving it. Somehow it helps keep me from feeling completely overwhelmed. 
 Yep....still working on 2013...but again. TOTALLY okay with that. 

So here is week two of 2014:
I think I pretty much went with Coral for this entire spread. Which is unlike my usual mix and match of kits. I only have partials of Coral, but it's totally my favorite. I think might have to break down and just get a full kit. 

page one:
Can I just say it's weird looking a preggie pictures of me while the little mister is rolling all over the's weird. I introduced the boys to The Doctor, Nox took a bunch of photos of Munch (LOVE LOVE LOVE including their photography in my albums) and the boys played games on napkin phones...who needs technology?

John got me a remote for my camera for Christmas and we were having a REALLY off day so the boys and I decided to try it out. SO much fun was had...probably a full hour of pictures and giggles. Goodness the boys look SO little. I cut down a coin protector sheet and cut the pictures down to 2x2...perfect.

page two:
We had uncommonly fantastic weather this week and Munch got to ride his new bike. I love nice days in the middle of Winter. I also included a currently card (from Rukristin). Such a great way to give a general view of what you've been doing that week.

I am a little late to the party, but I'm linking up with Day to Day 

Saturday, November 15, 2014

I'll Eat You Up

I haven't digi scrapped in a while, but I felt inspired by these pictures I took of Nox the other day. I've had this kit forever and while I have plenty of pictures that would work perfectly with it, I haven't done a thing with it until now.
Template - Currently blog freebie Stolen Moments Design.
The World All Around - Sarah Barber Design

Friday, November 14, 2014

6 Months

Happy turned six months this past Sunday. 
He has some weight issues going on, but is otherwise is a healthy boy. 

There are two little teeth coming up on his bottom row. You can't see them yet, but you can absolutely feel them. 

Happy reaches up to touch my face now and he will sit for a minute so we can examine each others faces. My heart swells every time. 
He loves his Daddy. His whole face lights up when John walks into the house. 

Workouts consist of mostly strengthening his core. 

Naps are ridiculous...WHY he has to nap and his brothers don't just escapes him completely. 

I love this stage of babyhood. It is so much fun to watch him explore and interact with his surroundings. He loves to experiment with sounds and it cracks us all up when he talks to his reflection. Love this sweet boy so much. 

Friday, October 24, 2014

Currently 10.24.2014

Watching: Reign on Netflix. It's about Mary Queen of Scots...and I would never call it historically all...(seriously there are things that made the history lover in me flinch.) BUT I am enjoying it.

Reading: The Custom of the Army - Diana Gabaldon The book is a short little novella following an adventure of Lord John Grey (one of the Outlander characters). After getting caught up on The Outlander series I just wasn't ready to move completely on. While Jamie and Claire are not in these books, it does help me get my fix. Just a little. 

Listening: To Nox belt out Dynamite by Taio Cruz in the back seat of the van. EVERY time we get in the car. 

Making: A quick photo album for Nox's  preschool teacher. She's retiring after more than 20 years and we are so sad to see her go. The picture above is one that a grandmother of one of the students sent me. She took it at one of our early Mommy and Me classes. Look at Nox's sweet cheeks! It's really amazing how many times you can fall in love with your babies. 

Feeling: Off...I can't for the life of me figure out why, but today something just doesn't feel right...and so far I haven't been able to shake it. 

Planning: A road trip to Missouri just after Christmas. I cannot wait to see my sister, brother-in-law and my new adorable little niece. 

Loving: October. The slightly cooler weather...the fact that I was able to organize the little boys and Kaiser yesterday for a walk. 

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Six...Almost Seven

My Munchman turned six yesterday. I have been a Mama for SIX years. 

He ran in to our room in the morning so excited to tell us he wasn't five anymore....he was six and THAT is almost seven. He is in SUCH a hurry to grow up. Last week he asked how long it would be till he got to drive, because he wants a red truck, so he can drive his kids to school. 

He is so curious about the world around him. We watch documentaries on King Tut and Dinosaurs. We talk about bones and science and sometimes he stumps me with his questions. I hope he never ever loses his love of knowledge. 

Red is his favorite color. He talks about his wedding party, because he's convinced that someone will get him the Lego Death Star if he has one...we like practical registry items. He loves watching Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit and Harry Potter and I hope one day he'll love the books just as much. He enjoys Doctor Who almost as much as I do. 

Munch has always been laid back, relaxed and outgoing. He has his bad moments, but he is such a good, sweet boy. His brothers could not have asked for a better big brother. He reads them books, plays with them for hours, is more patient than I am sometimes. He is such a big and wonderful help and I would be lost without him. 

Happy Birthday Munch. 

Friday, October 10, 2014

Five Months of Happy

Our little Happy turned five months old yesterday. 

He started eating solids this past month and loves it, but doesn't always enjoy the length of time it takes for the food to reach his mouth. 

He has mastered the art of rolling and enjoys rolling around the living room as much as possible. 

He is quickly gaining more control of his hands and delights in grabbing toys...or his brothers' hair, AND everything goes in the mouth.

He loves being read to. Even more so when one of his brothers is doing the reading.

I grow more and more smitten with this guy every day. He is loved so much by all of us.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Happy 4 Months

Our sweet Happy just turned 4 months old.
He is getting stronger and happier each day. 
He is becoming a pro at rolling over and all over the place. 
Happy LOVES being read to. Even more when it's his brothers doing the reading. 
He has really started enjoying his toys this month and reaches out to grab them and everything else. 
Which is followed closely by putting it directly into his mouth. 
Over the past couple days Happy has discovered his reflection and is completely delighted with it. 
I'm sure he's already figured out just how cute he is. 

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Nox turns FOUR

Nox turns four today. 

We joke that all the things you hear about red heads are totally true with this one. His teacher calls him "spirited". He is mischievous, adventurous and he's got a fiery temper to match that hair. 

He is obsessed with Legos...especially Mixels. We have them all and are not so patiently waiting for the next series to come out. 

Out of all of us, he is the healthiest eater. Nox has been known to choose carrots and apples over candy and goldfish crackers. I don't always make the healthiest choices, but it always makes me so proud when Nox does. 

Common Noxer Phrases:
"I got this"
"When the sun gets up, I'm gonna...ya know..." 
followed by a lengthy list of stuff he WILL be doing in the morning. Usually something to do with Legos. Yesterday it was "...I'm gonna, ya know, come down stairs and you (Daddy) and Mama are going hide and ya know, I'm going to say "where are you?" And you are going to ya know, SURPRISE ME!" 
"It's OKAY. Don't SAY that."
(Sometimes before you've even said anything...and usually in regards to his shoes being worn on the wrong feet.)

Nox is the best at keeping everyone on their toes, gives the fiercest hugs and has a laugh that brightens each day.  This boy knows how to push every button I have and can make me laugh even when I don't much feel like it. He is my crazy, ultimate ginger and I adore each day with him.

Happy Birthday Noxman, I can't wait to see where this year takes you!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

A New Milestone

This week both my big boys started school. 

Munch starting kindergarten on Monday was a super hard milestone for me. Seriously, I lost sleep. 

Munch on the other hand was SO SO SO excited. 
He was giving me a death stare by the end of drop off....apparently I had taken WAY too many pictures...and we weren't leaving fast enough. He LOVES going to school with all the big kids.

Nox started Preschool classes Tuesday. I was less nervous with him because we know the teacher so well. She headed up our Mommy and Me classes, cooking classes and Munch's preschool classes last year. She even taught two of my cousins when they were little. 
Nox ran right into class, put his backpack exactly where it needed to go and sat criss-cross-applesauce on the rug. I don't think I have ever seen him behave so well. 

Nox did the worst with Munch starting school. The first day he threw a fit because the Kindergartners were playing with play-doh...and he wanted some. Today he was mad cause he wanted to drop Munch off and NOT be stuck with Mama and Silas ALL day. He really misses having Munch around. 
I somehow managed not to cry after dropping Munch off and I really thought the hour and a half without Nox would be a little hard. I mean, I'm rarely without three sidekicks these days...BUT Happy kept me on my toes. It's as if he knew that he had Mama ALL to himself. 

I've been rolling out of bed around 5 to start my days...and I don't think that will get any easier as time passes. I know that watching my sweet boys grow up will never get any easier, but I love seeing who they are becoming. 

Monday, August 18, 2014

One Week

My big sweet boy is starting kindergarten in ONE week! 
Today he told me he was almost SIX and he was  "going to that school! Silly Mama!"
I'm not ready. 

Monday, August 11, 2014

Three Months

On Saturday our sweet boy turned 3 months old. 

He is SUCH a happy boy. When we aren't calling him by his name, we are usually just calling him Happy. About a week ago we were rewarded with a laugh. I don't think there are many ways to make your day brighter than that.

Happy has become a pretty decent tummy-to-back roller. His brothers are delighted by this development. I'm not sure why, but they find it completely hysterical. 

photo by Munch
He found his fingers this month. He doesn't so much suck on his fingers as chew on them. We are trying not to encourage it, but it's super cute. When he's not chewing on them he's learning how to use them to grab for his toys and anything else within reach. 

This kiddo just loves watching his big brothers and has become such a wiggle worm - working those muscles so he can learn how to do all those fun tricks they know how to do.

I'm sure he'll me chasing them around in no time. 

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Project Life 2014: Title Page and Week One

These pictures are horrendous...but I figured if I waited until I could get a decent picture I would never get anything posted. 

week one:
This absurdly long time....for no reason whatsoever.  
page one:
I love when a photo has room for journaling...also love the bicycle stamp I found in my's been like a treasure hunt sorting through everything. 

page two:
I've been trying hard to use more of my alpha stickers. I have a huge hoard of them that I just don't seem to use enough. I really like how the "be happy" card turned out. The card itself was painted with left overs after a painting session with the boys. I'm so glad I got to pull it out of my stash. 

I think I've finally figured out a system for working on my albums, which involves jumping all over the place, so my scrappy posts probably won't be in order. That's okay. I love that I can do Project Life my way and now I have organized my stuff I should be able to use my stash easily. (I'm hoping to do a post on that soon.)