
Friday, October 24, 2014

Currently 10.24.2014

Watching: Reign on Netflix. It's about Mary Queen of Scots...and I would never call it historically all...(seriously there are things that made the history lover in me flinch.) BUT I am enjoying it.

Reading: The Custom of the Army - Diana Gabaldon The book is a short little novella following an adventure of Lord John Grey (one of the Outlander characters). After getting caught up on The Outlander series I just wasn't ready to move completely on. While Jamie and Claire are not in these books, it does help me get my fix. Just a little. 

Listening: To Nox belt out Dynamite by Taio Cruz in the back seat of the van. EVERY time we get in the car. 

Making: A quick photo album for Nox's  preschool teacher. She's retiring after more than 20 years and we are so sad to see her go. The picture above is one that a grandmother of one of the students sent me. She took it at one of our early Mommy and Me classes. Look at Nox's sweet cheeks! It's really amazing how many times you can fall in love with your babies. 

Feeling: Off...I can't for the life of me figure out why, but today something just doesn't feel right...and so far I haven't been able to shake it. 

Planning: A road trip to Missouri just after Christmas. I cannot wait to see my sister, brother-in-law and my new adorable little niece. 

Loving: October. The slightly cooler weather...the fact that I was able to organize the little boys and Kaiser yesterday for a walk. 

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Six...Almost Seven

My Munchman turned six yesterday. I have been a Mama for SIX years. 

He ran in to our room in the morning so excited to tell us he wasn't five anymore....he was six and THAT is almost seven. He is in SUCH a hurry to grow up. Last week he asked how long it would be till he got to drive, because he wants a red truck, so he can drive his kids to school. 

He is so curious about the world around him. We watch documentaries on King Tut and Dinosaurs. We talk about bones and science and sometimes he stumps me with his questions. I hope he never ever loses his love of knowledge. 

Red is his favorite color. He talks about his wedding party, because he's convinced that someone will get him the Lego Death Star if he has one...we like practical registry items. He loves watching Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit and Harry Potter and I hope one day he'll love the books just as much. He enjoys Doctor Who almost as much as I do. 

Munch has always been laid back, relaxed and outgoing. He has his bad moments, but he is such a good, sweet boy. His brothers could not have asked for a better big brother. He reads them books, plays with them for hours, is more patient than I am sometimes. He is such a big and wonderful help and I would be lost without him. 

Happy Birthday Munch. 

Friday, October 10, 2014

Five Months of Happy

Our little Happy turned five months old yesterday. 

He started eating solids this past month and loves it, but doesn't always enjoy the length of time it takes for the food to reach his mouth. 

He has mastered the art of rolling and enjoys rolling around the living room as much as possible. 

He is quickly gaining more control of his hands and delights in grabbing toys...or his brothers' hair, AND everything goes in the mouth.

He loves being read to. Even more so when one of his brothers is doing the reading.

I grow more and more smitten with this guy every day. He is loved so much by all of us.