
Friday, May 30, 2014

Currently: 5.30.2014

Watching: The World Wars on History Channel. This is really well done. If you are interested in history at all I really recommend it.

Reading: Blue-Ribbon Jalapeno Society Jubilee by Carolyn Brown. This was a Nook Free Friday offering a while back and it's under 300 pages which is what I've been trying to stick with for the past couple weeks. It's not something I would usually pick up but it's managing to keep my interest so I'm sticking with it. Plus it takes place in a non existent town just north of where I live; the author references places that I know which is always fun.

Listening: To our little guy's little squeaks and grunts. I'm pretty sure we'll have a talker on our hands when he's older.

Making: Our family calendar. It used to start in March (the month we moved in together), but now it starts in June. It's delayed a little, but at least it will be ordered before June :o)

Feeling: Old. My joints and muscles are not happy right now, but I'm hoping if I can start walking again I will start feeling better. Then hopefully I can start running and doing yoga again sometime this Summer.

Planning: On starting 100 Happy Days on instagram. John is going back to work next week and I thought this might be a fun thing to do to keep my mind off some of the stress I'll be feeling.

Loving: Silas sleeping in his bassinet. We co-slept for the first couple weeks and last night we moved him to his bassinet. He didn't have any problem with it and I slept a heck of a lot better.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Throwback Thursday: Our Anniversary

Today, John and I are celebrating our 9 year anniversary. After the older boys go down for the night we'll chow down some good Italian food and rent a movie. We'll plan something a LOT bigger for next year. 

I was looking through some wedding photos to post for today, but I'm missing my disc of photos and found this picture instead. 
We went to Riviera Maya for our honeymoon and had SO SO much fun. It was John's first time leaving the country and we went on almost ever excursion we could. Xcaret was one of my favorite stops, with the underground river, turtle nursery and a snorkeling cove. I would love to go back.

The past nine years has been fantastic. We have moved 4 times, but somehow managed to stay in the same metroplex, added 2 fur kids and 3 skin kids to our family and had a million adventures.

Happy Anniversary! I love you!

Friday, May 23, 2014

2 Weeks and Counting

I've been completely MIA lately and with good reason. My last month of pregnancy was a little bit miserable and a lot busy as we readied the house for our newest little bundle. May 7th I went in for my regular weekly check up and the Doctor mentioned that it looked like the baby was winning. After two weeks of being told our little man would here super soon...I was MORE than ready. I told him I would have Silas that second if I could so we booked an induction for that Friday. 
Munch was more than a little excited about meeting his littlest brother. 

I felt a little guilty organizing his birth like that...almost like I was taking away something from him. BUT really, it ended up being perfect. The people we needed to be there were able to get there without any rushing. The BIG boys were well taken care of during (and after) labor/birth. 
 It was a completely stress free event. I went in, they drugged me and a few hours later I was presented with a gorgeous baby boy. His brothers adore him. They are constantly checking to make sure he is doing okay and growing well and they CANNOT wait until he's big enough to play with them. 
I feel so lucky to be surrounded by such wonderful boys. It's going to be a crazy and wild adventure, but I'm looking forward to it.