
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

It's Hug Day!

correct source unknown. found on pinterest.
I completely agree with Zooey on this one. I tend to wake up early, but really, not much of a morning person. Hugs always make my morning.
Hugs are totally my favorite. They can make a bad day so much brighter. They make me feel loved and I can't help but smile when giving and receiving them.

Give someone a hug today!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

2014 Intentions

Goodness! How did we get half way through the month already?! Last year I tried to pick a word (Discover), but this year I couldn't think of just one. I want to simplify, discover, purge, learn, write, love, enjoy. This year holds so much promise of being incredible. We will welcome our third boy in May, Munch starts Kindergarten in the Fall and Nox is showing signs that he may be potty trained by the end of the month, which means Preschool!!

I am determined not to stress too much about any of the unknowns that a new year brings. Last year, I felt like a ball of stress almost the entire year and it was exhausting.

This year I don't have resolutions. I have intentions, things that I want to do, but if life gets in my way then so be it.

Pre-Baby Intentions
1. Get Carpets Cleaned (2 years with 3 cats, 2 kids and 1 dog...way too long...would be SO much easier without any carpets!)
2. Purchase minivan so I have a place to fit all the kidlets.
3. Get family pictures done.

4. Write more letters. Particularly to my little sister and Munch's buddy in Austin.
5. Complete a 40 bags in 40 days challenge. Or 40 things in 40 days. Purge, simplify, clean. :o) This is supposed to be a project for Lent, but I think it's a great challenge no matter what the time of year! If you search Pinterest an overwhelming amount of pins come up, but I love me some free printables and Sugar Tot Designs has both a free printable and a good explanation of the project.
6. Blog more and keep up with the blogs I love to read.
7. Learn to use my camera outside of far I've just learned how to use my awesome remote. Really not sure how I lived without it and the boys LOVE it.
8. Make lots of nursery goodies - right now I'm searching for the exact right fabric. Always the hardest thing to do.
9. Catch up with Project Life. I'm pretty behind at the moment, but I feel like I can get 2014 done and out of the way in time.

Post Baby Intentions
1. Start running again. I have missed it SO much. Every time I see a runner I feel a twinge of jealousy. Cannot wait till I get the doctors okay to start once Silas is here.
2. Get newborn/family pictures. I may do newborn shots on my own and then get my sister to take family shots when she comes to visit. We shall see :o)
3. Write more letters
4. Try to keep up with Blog.
5. Keep up with Project Life. I love doing this project, so I don't think I'll have too much of a problem. May get behind, but that's okay.

Thursday, January 09, 2014

Currently 1.9.2014

Watching: Dexter and rewatching the Doctor Who series (new) for the millionth time. The boys have really gotten into it, and I really love that.

Reading: Actually, nothing at the moment. I usually read before bed, but lately...I've been too tired. I've been thinking about starting some Neil Gaiman though or the second book in the Hunger Games Series.

Making: Trying to finish up my 2013 Project Life Album, get started on my 2014 album and THEN I plan on starting some serious work on the nursery. Lots of projects planned.

Feeling: Sleepy and nauseous again. I had a few weeks of feeling okay, but this week we appear to be back on with a couple side effects of pregnancy. Otherwise, pretty well. Silas is kicking more and more each day, my favorite part of pregnancy is feeling them move.

 Right now, Silas is about the size of a Spaghetti Squash. 

Planning: 2014 - Rukristin Papercrafts posted a blog about how she doesn't make resolutions for the new year, she has INTENTIONS....and I love that. You never know what life will throw at this year, I'm making a list of INTENTIONS I have.

Loving: the quiet laziness that comes directly after Christmas in our house. Just resting and playing...not worrying about where we have to be and when.

I hope everyone is having a great start to 2014 and that your holidays were fantastic!