
Friday, December 20, 2013

Five Days Until Christmas

Wow, this month somehow has flown by....and as usual chaos reigns. Between being iced in and getting sick, there is still a LOT to do. I know somehow it will work out, but man it's going to be a stressful few days. 

We have checked some stuff off our list though. 
We visited Santa:

We wrote him a couple letters:

 Munch wants a red bike and more Legos. He circled every kit that was $100 plus in his catalog. :o/

Nox spent the whole day saying he wanted presents to share....we got to Santa and all of a sudden he wanted a GUN! Also, a "great green present".

We went to The Gaylord and saw Ice:
Which we all enjoyed until I dropped my camera and broke my kit lens. Thankfully, Santa got me a new lens and got it to me early, so I can take pictures of our Christmases with family. 

We had our very first fire when we were iced in. 
Seriously, the first in almost TEN years of living together. 

Now, if I can get us all feeling better, finish shopping and clean before Tuesday...this month will have turned out pretty well. 

REALLY looking forward to seeing my little sister this weekend. So happy she'll be home for the holidays!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Oh, Christmas Tree

The day after Thanksgiving we put our tree up. The boys had so much fun putting up all the ornaments. Over the past few years we've put less and less of my beautiful glass/breakables up and more and more kid friendly/handmade ornaments up. I love it.
His thinking face as he puts the ornaments on just so, makes me smile

Munch can reach some of the higher branches, so the ornaments weren't all clustered at the bottom. 

(Although, the little bit of my mother's perfectionism I inherited did fix SOME of them.)

Of course Kaiser had to be in on the action, even if he slept through most of it.

Munch insisted on putting the star on the tree.

So did Nox.

And we ended on a slightly goofy note. 

Thursday, November 28, 2013


1. I haven't been the best mother/wife these past few months. I've been tired and moody and not feeling great. I'm thankful for all my boys for putting up with me during my first trimester.

2. I am SO thankful that Nox got through TWO nights without his binkie. He has trouble going down and doesn't get quiet until close to my bedtime; he comes for short visits to our bed at some crazy hours, but we'll get there. The biggest thing is having the whole night with NO binkie.

3. Sweet Silas is healthy and growing and I've started feeling his tiny kicks...I am so grateful for healthy pregnancies and 1st trimesters being over....and healthy babies...the one to come and my sweet little guys that are already here.

4. My sister will be back in Texas in a month. I've missed her terribly and am so happy that she will be back for Christmas and the New Year.

I hope everyone is having a lovely Thanksgiving with family and friends. I know I am. 

Friday, November 15, 2013

Currently 11.15.2013

Watching: The Polar Express. We've watched it a bunch this week. Usually the upcoming holidays stress me out beyond belief...but this year I find myself looking forward to it. Maybe because my little sister is coming home and I've missed her terribly. 

Reading: Almost, very nearly done with The Tangle Box by Terry Brooks. It's my second time going through The Landover Series...and I'm seriously struggling with this one. Love the series, but this particular book is dragging. 

Making: Crocheting a baby blanket for Three. 

Feeling: Exhausted, which is perfectly normal...I like sleeping on my stomach, which just isn't happening anymore. Ordered my pillow yesterday, can't wait to get it. 

Planning: I should be planning for Christmas presents...but I'm totally focused on baby. 

Loving: How handsome Munch has been looking lately. Usually it bothers me when I look at him and realize how grown up he's getting and looking, but lately I'm just amazed at this amazingly beautiful child that John and I created. 

Little Nox is just as gorgeous...just impossible to catch. :o)

Monday, November 04, 2013

Spooktacular Halloween

I'm getting this up WAY later than planned. Got distracted editing other pictures. Oops :o)

I didn't get as many pictures as I wanted Halloween night. We got out late and night pictures are never all that pretty, but we had so much fun. We trick or treated in my mother's neighborhood, which was much more active than ours.

This year the boys were Dr. Victor Frankenstein and his monster.
Originally Munch had a cool bow tie and we wanted to gel his hair. No idea what happened to the tie and he thought the kids would make fun of his hair. I wish I knew where he got that from, he looked so fun when we did  it for his birthday party. 

 They were SO excited to go trick or treating. 

They loved going up to the doors on their own and racing back to tell us they got candy. 

They made out really well and got lots of awesome candy. (Mama has been TRYING not to sneak too much...but chocolate is so hard to resist.)

I'm hoping next year I'll be organized enough to make costumes for them again...and hoping that I can get them to agree. 

I'm linking up with The Mom Creative for her Halloween Link Up

Sunday, October 27, 2013

12 Weeks

Today I am 12 weeks along with our third sweet baby. 

We hadn't said a word to them about having another baby...and then at 7 weeks I had a bad morning. Munch decided I was very sick and needed to go to the doctor ASAP. Luckily, my first appointment was scheduled for that day. Munch was horrified during the sono and wanted to know if that was what was "going to make Mama dead". Poor sweet kiddo. Both boys were completely dumbfounded when we told them, that Mama was fine and we were going to have another baby. A million and one questions followed. They love looking at pictures of the baby's development every week and are fascinated by the size. 

I had this plan in my head that we would keep it a secret until I was out of the first trimester. Munch and Nox had totally different ideas. They announced it to my mother shortly after my confirmation sono and then started telling perfect strangers. So we did a surprise announcement at Munch's Halloween Birthday Party, a couple weeks ago. It worked out brilliantly. I love seeing everyone's faces when they realized exactly what my shirt meant. 
I am insanely tired, but not terribly sick which is awesome. 

We heard the baby's heartbeat the other day. The doctor made sure that the boys got a good listen. I WISH I had gotten a picture of their jaws dropping. That sound is so wonderful and reassuring, might hit my top 10 list of sounds I love. I'm pretty sure the boys liked it almost as much as I did. 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Project Life: Week 7

A little late on my posting today, but I got it up!  I really should starting sharing two weeks at a time again, but whatever works right?

page one:
 The tooth themed goodies are from a freebie digi kit I got a while back Toothless, by Brine Designs.
Pretty normal week, Nox and I went to the dentist, the garbage man came, my sister surprised us with a visit. My fur babies looked cute. Ya know...the norm. :o)

page two:
Mostly used blues and reds on this page. The Valentine's card and heart card are from Studio Calico from a mixed lot I bought. We had a Valentine's party at the boy's class, date day that Saturday and poor sick boys by Sunday. I really kinda love how this page turned out. 

I'm linking up with The Mom Creative. 

The Mom Creative

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Scrappy Sunday

Working on a little catch up with photos with PL and working in some Digi scrapping while I'm at it. I'm currently trying to finish up printing for June (I am WAY far behind, but totally okay with it, for the moment.)

This picture was taken on Father's Day and I had completely forgotten about it. Love how handsome my Munch is. 
created using: Ready for School Template by mle Card and
Destination Adventure Blogtrain Collab.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Project Life: Week 6

Went with an orange and blue theme for this week. Really love how it turned out. 
The smile card is from a studio calico card set I got a while back. It was one of those cards I had been holding onto and finally used it. The B&W shot is one of my favorites of Nox and just a happy accident. He ran into the shot while I was trying to get a PL layout photographed. :o) I also included my reason for doing PL. Love it when my kiddos enjoy the albums. 

insert side one:
This is a little blurb about a magazine interview I did regarding my weight loss. (If you are interested you can read my favorite post about my journey: HERE). I am still sure the interview happened with someone else and I was just lucky enough to listen in....

insert side two:
We didn't do anything special this year, but we always try to do something for Chinese New Year. I added a little digi page about our evening. 

page two:
This spread is a We R Memory Keepers protector. It fits 4x4 pictures which is awesome for instagrams. I kinda love it. Makes it so much easier. We had a pretty normal week so it was nice to be able to put it together quickly. 

I'm linking up with The Mom Creative:

The Mom Creative

Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Project Life: Week 5

I've decided to go ahead and stop sharing my 2012 that we are coming near the end of 2013.

I previously shared weeks 1-4, so here is week 5! I went with a green and blue theme for the week. 
Forgive the pictures. Cell phone isn't the best, but it was quick and easy :o)
 It was an easy, low activity week for us. Munch had a teeth cleaning and we hung out at home building legos and snuggling our pup. I don't add current events that often in my PL album, but Pope Benedict resigning was worth a mention. 

Page Two:
My husband very kindly gave me a weekend all to myself. He took the boys out to his father's land and I stayed home. I have a spot open for him to journal, but forgot to leave a space for me to talk about the weekend! I might have to find a spot. It was just a wonderful gift to have alone time. I love my family, but I cherish moments I have to myself at home too. I'm so lucky to have a husband that understands that and works with me when I need it. 

I'm linking up with The Mom Creative!
The Mom Creative

Saturday, October 05, 2013

Currently 10.5.2013

Watching: Bomb Girls on Netflix - It's about the women who built bombs during WWII. Really loving it.

Reading: Lots of emails and blogs...trying to catch up on some, deciding to unsubscribe on others. I've just got WAY too much on my plate.

Listening: The Greatest Hits of the Forties radio on Spotify. Forties music never fails to make me smile.

Making: My Halloween costume. Something simple but fun :o)

Feeling: Meh. Been sick, slowly beginning to feel better.

Planning: Munch's FIFTH birthday party. He had a Halloween/costume party last year and wants to keep up the tradition. I have GOT to start decorating this weekend!

Loving: The weather very slowly beginning to feel like fall and pumpkins everywhere. I LOVE October.

Sunday, September 08, 2013

Computer Access

I'm sorry I've been absent this past week. I've had limited computer access.

Sunday night after playing in the sun and surf I sat down to write a quick Shutter-Bug Sunday post...and my computer decided it was done. The screen, just refused to come to life...although it sounded very much like the computer itself was trying. Geek Squad was able to back up everything on my computer, before shipping it off to the computer hospital...where it is now waiting for parts. Not sure when exactly I will get it back and John leaves in the morning for 2 weeks...WITH his computer access is going to be nonexistent and my internet access is going to be limited to my phone...which is fine, but not ideal for posting or commenting.

So, please forgive my lack of comments and posts. I'll be back as soon as I can!

Friday, August 30, 2013

Currently 8.30.2013

Rukristin Papercrafts hosts a Currently challenge every Monday. She also offers a free printable card if you want to check it out. I don't have it with me this week, but I love that it fits perfectly in with Project Life and adds a little easy journaling.

So here are my today's Currents

Watching: Dolphins playing and hunting off the coast.

Reading: Lord John and the Brotherhood of the Blade - Diana Gabaldon.

Listening: To the waves crash on the shore.

Making: Sandcastles

Feeling: At peace

Planning: On a long beach walk in the morning.

Loving: Life.

And because it's also Nox's THIRD birthday AND I hate to leave a post without a picture:

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Happy Thoughts Wednesday

We are going on a long weekend vacation to Galveston! The guy in this video pretty much sums up how I feel about that. :o) 
I'm not sure insanely excited covers it. The ocean, sand, the breeze that smells of can you not want to dance?! 

Munch started his very first preschool classes yesterday. 
I don't think I have EVER seen him so excited about anything. He got dressed with lightning speed and had his "pack-pack" on long before it was time to leave.
So proud and happy for him and he had such an amazing first day. Nox even did okay when we left, which I was really worried about. 

I've an kinda an off summer as far as blogging and keeping up with my bloggy buddies go, but I've been brewing some vague plans to get me out of my slump...I hope. :o)

I'm linking up with Ricki!
 photo ArtatHomeButton_zps18898da7.jpg

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Project Life: Week 44

This week I'm sharing Halloween week! Munch has already decided he wants to be Frankenstein this year :o) 

For week 44 I went with blacks and purples as my theme colors. 

page one:
This week we attempted to get over being sick before trick or treating and tried a new cupcake place...purely because it had Gigi (aka my mother) in the name. I love how my little Halloween filler card came out. Just one sticker from my hoard on top of a midnight card. 

insert one:
Halloween!! The one upside to trick or treating in a neighborhood not known for trick or treating? People have an excess of candy...and the boys got a TON of extras. I loved the my skeleton and devil boys. They were so freaking cute. Even if the devil did seem to bother some people. 

insert two:
These are all from a playground John used to go to all the time as a kid. Some of his class mates remember it being built. It's old and needs some repairs, but we had it all to ourselves and had so much fun. 

page two:
We started going to a Mommy and Me group. Which the boys loved. Our city puts on a free festival/concert every year and we went. SO SO much fun. John decided to start growing....something for Movember. 

Linking up with The Mom Creative:

The Mom Creative

Monday, August 26, 2013

Belated Shutter-Bug Sunday: Animal Edition

This weeks theme was animals and I was all set to get some good pictures of my four furbabies. Then I was in my back yard and a dragonfly landed on my butterfly bush. (My dead butterfly bush, I have trouble letting go.) He was still there when I ran back out from getting my camera and let me get a shot of him.
Taken with my Nikon D50.

Next week our theme in landscapes.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Project Life: Week 43

Well, I didn't finish my goal of getting my pictures caught up through June, BUT I came super close. I need to focus on completing some weeks now that I have a good stack of photos ready to go. 

Week 43 MIGHT be my favorite of 2012. I didn't have a lot of pictures and I didn't really go with a theme, but it worked out. I mostly used cards from the Honey Edition. It's such a fun and happy kit. 

Page One:

 The green frame is from a craft kit that the boys had. It was a toss piece of foam that I salvaged. I think it worked really well with the honey kit. 

I also had some fun with my silhouette during this week. I'm not sure how much I like the glue I've been using. Would love to know what others use for die cuts.

page two:
 The bottom selection of pictures are photobooth pictures taken with my pocket booth app. LOVE IT. 

This was by far my favorite card of the week. The circle was punched out from a Jade card that I had previously used as a frame and the words cut with my silhouette, but the foot fight picture is really the best part. I can almost hear the insane giggles that were coming out of those boys. 

I will be linking up with The Mom Creative:

The Mom Creative