
Thursday, November 28, 2013


1. I haven't been the best mother/wife these past few months. I've been tired and moody and not feeling great. I'm thankful for all my boys for putting up with me during my first trimester.

2. I am SO thankful that Nox got through TWO nights without his binkie. He has trouble going down and doesn't get quiet until close to my bedtime; he comes for short visits to our bed at some crazy hours, but we'll get there. The biggest thing is having the whole night with NO binkie.

3. Sweet Silas is healthy and growing and I've started feeling his tiny kicks...I am so grateful for healthy pregnancies and 1st trimesters being over....and healthy babies...the one to come and my sweet little guys that are already here.

4. My sister will be back in Texas in a month. I've missed her terribly and am so happy that she will be back for Christmas and the New Year.

I hope everyone is having a lovely Thanksgiving with family and friends. I know I am. 

Friday, November 15, 2013

Currently 11.15.2013

Watching: The Polar Express. We've watched it a bunch this week. Usually the upcoming holidays stress me out beyond belief...but this year I find myself looking forward to it. Maybe because my little sister is coming home and I've missed her terribly. 

Reading: Almost, very nearly done with The Tangle Box by Terry Brooks. It's my second time going through The Landover Series...and I'm seriously struggling with this one. Love the series, but this particular book is dragging. 

Making: Crocheting a baby blanket for Three. 

Feeling: Exhausted, which is perfectly normal...I like sleeping on my stomach, which just isn't happening anymore. Ordered my pillow yesterday, can't wait to get it. 

Planning: I should be planning for Christmas presents...but I'm totally focused on baby. 

Loving: How handsome Munch has been looking lately. Usually it bothers me when I look at him and realize how grown up he's getting and looking, but lately I'm just amazed at this amazingly beautiful child that John and I created. 

Little Nox is just as gorgeous...just impossible to catch. :o)

Monday, November 04, 2013

Spooktacular Halloween

I'm getting this up WAY later than planned. Got distracted editing other pictures. Oops :o)

I didn't get as many pictures as I wanted Halloween night. We got out late and night pictures are never all that pretty, but we had so much fun. We trick or treated in my mother's neighborhood, which was much more active than ours.

This year the boys were Dr. Victor Frankenstein and his monster.
Originally Munch had a cool bow tie and we wanted to gel his hair. No idea what happened to the tie and he thought the kids would make fun of his hair. I wish I knew where he got that from, he looked so fun when we did  it for his birthday party. 

 They were SO excited to go trick or treating. 

They loved going up to the doors on their own and racing back to tell us they got candy. 

They made out really well and got lots of awesome candy. (Mama has been TRYING not to sneak too much...but chocolate is so hard to resist.)

I'm hoping next year I'll be organized enough to make costumes for them again...and hoping that I can get them to agree. 

I'm linking up with The Mom Creative for her Halloween Link Up