
Friday, March 29, 2013

FAF 2013: Week 13

Yep...not showing my weigh-in this week. Lets just say, I am REALLY not impressed with myself right now, and move on. Here is my mileage instead :o)

2013 miles as of last week: 110.98
Miles logged this week: 6.61
Total Miles: 117.59 

John and I did the Firefly Run 5k last weekend. I really wasn't sure the weather would hold up, but except for a little misting it was fine. 

I had planned on buying more glow stuff, but we had fun dressing up in bright clothes.

 John spotted some "weights" and had to show off. :o)

Here we are waiting for the okay to start!

It was hard to get decent pictures after it got dark. These really don't do it justice. 

My foot didn't let me run the whole time, but my lungs seemed to do alright. We walked when we had to and ran as much as we could. There were a lot of people walking and running. So many people in all different age groups. Munch would have thought the music was too loud, but maybe we'll try bringing the boys next year. It was really so much fun. This was our second 5K together and we haven't worried really about getting chips to keep our times. It's really more about picking runs that are geared towards fun, however I did time it and we finished in just over 47 minutes. Not my best time, but I'm not worried about it. 

We have The Color Run next week and I am REALLY looking forward to it. Last year was a blast. 
Have a Happy and Healthy week!!

I'll be linking up with Angie!!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Project Life: Week 24

I hope you'll forgive my laziness this week. I'm going with phone pictures, cause it was just easier with Munch and the Noxman running around. 

Week 24 - Page One:
This week featured the last day of swimming at my grandfather's house. We really miss having a private pool to go to. 

Page Two:
1st dentist appointment for Munch, fun with Gigi, a clean house and Father's Day.

Favorite spots of the week:
An embroidery project I finished using my husband's grandmother's embroidery stash. So pleased with it.
Got John to journal a little for the dentist appointment. I figured it was fitting, since he took Munch. It's so wonderful to see his writing on the layout. I feel like it really makes the album OURS. I'm certainly going to have him journal more often. 

The other day, Munch begged to paint. I love painting with the kids, not the clean up so much, but we all have fun. We always have some left over paint on our palettes so I decided to take advantage and we made some 3x4 filler cards. 

Munch made the two on the bottom right. I LOVE getting my kiddos in on our album! 

 Last week Studio Calico was offering a little box of goodies. I've really wanted to get a monthly membership, but haven't been able to budget it in. Anyway, it was a little pricier than I would normally go for, but I did anyway, just to see if it was something I really did want in the future.
There are some really cute cards included and I can't wait to use them all. However, I don't think I'll be putting in an order again or if I do, I may order more product to make up for the flat fee shipping, cause lets be honest, they have some truly beautiful items.

 This is for a more recent week, but I wanted to share it now. I created it using a free template Scrapping with Liz offered on her blog: HERE. I've always LOVED her templates for my digi pages so I was super excited to see had created a few sets of journaling/picture templates for Project Life. 
 Right now she's offering a buy one get one free deal on her templates, PLUS 20% off (until 3.28.2013). Totally took advantage of that and I really can't wait to put them to good use. 

I will be linking up with The Mom Creative!

The Mom Creative

Saturday, March 23, 2013

FAF 2013: Week 12 Confessions

2013 Starting Weight: 165
Last Weigh In: 158
Current Weight: 161
Lost This Week: 3
Total Lost: 4

::wince:: :o( 

I confess that I've not being doing great since my birthday run. 

I confess that I had to take a week off from any kind of workout because of an injury. 

I confess that this put me in a funk and I started making bad eating choices. I mean just awful choices. 

I confess that I don't always listen to my body. I did run a 5k on Tuesday. During my warm up my right foot started hurting...AGAIN. I ran anyway. The last mile was agony...I did this strange limping run and kinda hobbled the rest of the night. I made one of my best times. :o/ So nope, probably did not learn my lesson. 

I confess that I am slightly terrified of my race tonight, because of my stupid foot. It might rain...there MIGHT be thunderstorms...there is a small part of me that hopes it has to get rescheduled, so that I have some time to get new running shoes that I seem to be over due for. Not thinking this is likely though. So if anyone is at the Firefly Run in Plano tonight and you see a girl limp/running, while singing "I Will Survive"....yeah, probably me. 

Leaving on a decent note, my mileage did go up this week. So yay!
2013 miles as of last week: 105.35
Miles logged this week: 5.63
Total Miles: 110.98

Have a happy and healthy week and hope that I do too!!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Distracted by Spring

My blogging has been a bit off so far this week. So have a few other things. The weather has been just amazing this past week and we've spent a lot of time outside....Insane amount of weeding. John brought some plants home on Saturday so we got to fill in some "bald spots" from our caterpillar infestation and some experiments gone awry. We've replanted the veggie garden with bell peppers, jalapenos and tomatoes. 
Last year's infestation....almost nothing survived. :o/
Spring has officially come to our part of the world and I'm soaking up every minute. I'm itching to clean out the cabinets and closets. I would love to do more yard work...even though there isn't much left I can do...maybe I'll do some strength training so I can lift the mulch bags. ;o)

The other day, I forced the boys out of the house into our yard to play. Still having trouble figuring out what the problem was, they really did love it once they were out there. They spent a quiet moment laying on the ground looking up at the sky and trees. 

Lyndon is blowing daffodil seeds and wishing for a bird to call his own. (I'm fairly certain that our three cats would LOVE that.)

I've been talking to the wisteria vine that grows over my fence from the neighbors yard. The house was foreclosed a couple weeks ago (after sitting empty for at least a year)...I'm fairly certain that the yard guys that come every five seconds killed the gorgeous plant. This time last year it was in full bloom and there are no signs of life just yet. 
Last year's blooms. 
Luckily, it seems to spread quickly and I have a couple vines growing far away from the evil neighbors. Just need to get them a trellis so they can grow and spread like they should.

I hope wherever you are, you are enjoying the first day of Spring. I know it's still snowing in some areas, but have a wonderful day anyway!

Friday, March 15, 2013

FAF 2013: Week 11

2013 Starting Weight: 165
Last Weigh In: 158
Current Weight: 158
Lost This Week: 0
Total Lost: 7

Blah. Injured my foot during my run last Friday and only yesterday did it really start to feel better...didn't pay a lick of attention to what I ate. Have a race next weekend...and feeling slightly panicked. Need to kick it up several notches. 

I DID get out the past couple days for some serious yard work...YAY!! Spring officially starts next weekend and I am itching to start planting stuff again. I LOVE working in the yard, even love the soreness my muscles feel. 

We also did get to visit the zoo with my dad and sister on Wednesday and judging from the stiffness and soreness, I'm pretty sure I walked 500 miles. Or maybe that was just from holding Nox halfway home in the train. Goofy boy. 

2013 miles as of last week: 105.35
Miles logged this week: 0 
Total Miles: 105.35
(Although, I'm pretty certain I logged at least a few at the zoo...but since I didn't try to track it, we won't count it.)

Thursday, March 14, 2013

A Day at the Zoo According to Munch

 The following pictures were taken by Munch on our trip to the zoo yesterday. Enjoy!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Welcome Home Wednesday: Master Bedroom After

Last week I posted what our Master looked like when we moved in. I am so happy with the way it looks now. It looks kinda sparse in these pictures, but it's my peaceful haven. Exactly what I wanted it to be. 

We went with a gray and yellow theme, which may be over done, but it works so nicely in this bright and airy room. Our last home the room always kinda seemed a little like a cave. John pulled the old icky carpet and put in new gorgeous laminate. 

The boys painted the art work above our bed for Father's Day a couple years ago. I was worried that they may look a little small, but I think they are perfect. 

In the Spring and Summer the Balding Cypress and the Texas Pecan shade our back yard. I love laying on the bed, reading and looking out that window at the green in the trees and wildlife. 

This is the corner where I usually set up a card table and sew. The natural light in here is just amazing. 

Here is a better view of our gallery wall. It took me FOREVER to make my mind up on placement. 

I just recently finished the heart embroidery below. I bought the pattern over at Urban Threads. The yellows and metallics don't show up against the gray background as much as I would like, but I still really love the piece. 

This piece was created using a crochet doily that was passed down to us from John's Mimmie. I believe that she made it, but I'm not positive of that. Either way it's a little piece of her that we can keep near to us. 

I thought it might be fun to include a couple side by side, before and after shots. 

I found a picture of what the house looked like when we first looked at it. Thought it was interesting to see our different styles paired up. 

So that's the pretty much finished Master. I want to get a piece of art to go above the desk and I have some pretty vintage fabric that needs to be made into throw pillows, but other than that I think it's complete. 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

My Happy Thoughts: Coming of Age

I'm feeling really awful today, so I'm glad I have this list to cheer me up and make me feel at least mentally better. 

Friday was my birthday. My father pointed out that 33 is a hobbit's coming of age, which made me feel happy and excited to turn 33. My sister and I got introduced to J.R.R. Tolkien at a young age, I have super fond memories of my father reading me The Hobbit when I was little. When I was pregnant with Munch, John would read it to me at night while I crocheted. There is something comforting and wonderful to me about all things Middle Earth. Even the bad and scary stuff. 

On Friday I ran 7.65 miles. My personal distance record. Pretty sure I injured my foot, but I am so proud of myself for doing it and it was exhausting, but so much fun.

Again on Friday we went out for my birthday dinner with my Mum, sister and brother in law. The food was awesome, the company wonderful, the kids behaved and it all ended with a lion dance. The whole night made me happy.
Munch pretty much stayed under the lions beard the entire time it was at our table. 
Saturday, John and I headed out to Fort Worth for the Funky Finds Spring Fling. The day was fantastic and I might do a post on it later...but in the meantime, I am so happy that this guy organized it:
not sure why he looks like he's scowling, but I love this picture.
Sunday ended my birthday festivities with a cake and mini birthday party with my 3 awesome guys. I'm so lucky to have them in my life.

I am linking up with Art @ Home
 photo ArtatHomeButton_zps18898da7.jpg

Monday, March 11, 2013

Project Life 2013: Week 3

I got a bunch of pictures printed this weekend and I've mentally reorganized, so I'm hoping I'll be good to go for a while. Crossing fingers anyway. :o)

Here is week three. I'm going to focus on getting more caught up on this years pictures this week and putting together the pages I have left from last year. I really hoped I would be on just this year by now, but that has yet to happen. :o/

Full Spread:
Page One:
On Tuesday it snowed. Not a whole lot, but just enough to make little snowmen. We decided to play hookie from class so we could go outside and play. The boys had lots of fun making snowballs and their mini snow guy and snow pup. 

Just days later the snow was gone and it was warm enough to venture out without jackets for a walk at nearby nature reserve. John helped the boys pick out the perfect walking sticks. We had a blast; until it was time to go. 

Page Two:
Pretty much average stuff the rest of the week. The boys painted fish note cards in class so I took pictures of the fish and added them. I kinda love how the 4x6 card turned out. You can't tell in this photo but the shimmery paint they used really showed up well, which I was pleased about. 

I will be linking up with Project Life Tuesday over at The Mom Creative tomorrow morning!
The Mom Creative

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Blog Lovin'

Well...Google Reader has grown a mind of it's own lately, so I'm checking out Bloglovin'. Hoping that works out a tad better.
Follow my blog with Bloglovin

How do you keep track of your blogs?

Friday, March 08, 2013

FAF 2013: Week 10

2013 Starting Weight: 165
Last Weigh In: 158
Current Weight: 158
Lost This Week: 0
Total Lost: 7

No worries. I got my appetite back, so I'm super happy that didn't cause me to gain. On the flip side, my workout tracker on Spark People had a minor panic attack at me today, because I burned WAY more calories than it had planned for me. 

Today was my birthday. John took the day off...and instead of sleeping in and having a treat filled, chocolate comma day...I decided to run. 

There is a green belt park close to my house and I jogged 7.65 miles of the trail. 
I have never gone that distance before...there was walking involved...but not as much as I thought there would be. I really REALLY have no idea how marathoners or even half marathoners do it. I got home, ate a wonderful breakfast that John made, took a shower...and then passed out in bed. 

I'm feeling MUCH better now. And I am so proud of myself for doing it. I actually was thinking...half way in...that it would be fun to do again, when more flowers are out. There were a lot of wildflower spots, that I bet are gorgeous in the Spring...when I got home, I thought that idea was insane...and now I'm warming up to it again. Yep...fairly certain that I'm losing it. 

2013 miles as of last week: 88.16
Miles logged this week: 17.19 
Total Miles: 105.35

Broke the 100 mile mark!! Woot!!

Have a happy and healthy week!!

Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Welcome Home Wednesday: Master Bedroom Before

I love this room. The high ceilings make it seem huge and so much natural light flows into it. I wish these pictures showed just how insanely green this room was and how gross the carpet looked.
 (above: view from doorway. windows look out on the back yard)
 (above: view from the right window.)
(above: view from the left window)

Master Sanctuary To Do List
  • Paint 
  • Replace carpet with laminate. 
  • Replace curtain rods and curtains 
  • Hang art work
  • Replace light covers on fan. I actually like the fan, but wouldn't mind something less builder grady...yep...I know grady isn't a word.
  • Make some yellow pillows for bed - have some beautiful vintage material I bought - just need to get to work!
Finally got some after pictures this week. Should have an after post for this room next week. I love how it looks now!