
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Wish List Wednesday

Really wanting the 2011 sewing calendar to ring in the new year. Can't seem to find it in stores I'm ordering it on Friday. I loved having one last year, although I still have many of the items on my to do list.

Also I'm wishing for a New Year that is as happy as Cooper here seems to be.
This photo was taken by Molly Landreth and is avaliable at her etsy store: here.

Monday, December 27, 2010

My Boys Monday - Ornaments

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! Ours was pretty stressful, but in the end I think we all had fun. Munch got a little tired of opening presents, (because we have FIVE Christmases) so we still have some sitting under the tree.
During the month I actually managed to fit in one of the crafts from my list on will craft...tomorrow. Both boys "made" ornaments. One each for our tree and three extra sets for the Grandmothers.
Munch's Hand
Nox's Feet
I linked on my other blog, but here is the link again to the tutorial from the inkling network.

After making ornaments Munch insisted on painting...
And Nox was left with some very green feet!
This was such a fun craft to do with the boys and I love having their little paw prints on my tree!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Photo Friday

I can't believe there is just one more week till Christmas!!
I still have LOTS of work to do...and very little time to finish it all!! Hope everyone is better organized than I am!

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Wish List Wednesday

Thirty years ago today the world lost John Lennon. I was only 9 months at the time, but I grew up listening to him and I have always loved his music. I was going to create a treasury dedicated to him, but ran across this piece of art instead. SUZANNA ANNA has some really beautiful art in her should totally check it out.

This is a line from John Lennon's Imagine. I think it's just beautiful and would love it hanging in the blank space above my bed. Hubby John mentioned he would prefer our first dance song Pure Imagination, which sadly is not a John Lennon song, but much more romantic. Sorry Beatle John...Hubby John won this time ;o) Rest in Peace.

Also did I mention Hubby John wants US to make the piece of art to hang, using the above piece as inspiration? Ought to be an interesting project.

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Good-Bye November and Wish List Wednesday

Good-bye November you were fun...welcome, stressful, event packed December. Thankfully the tree is up and seeing the lights twinkle calms me and makes me smile. November: Stamp Frame: Blessings by Meredith Cardall Designs, Green Double Frame: Harvest Spice by Shabby PrincessThankful word art: Thankful Blog Train by Rosey Posey StudioBackground: November 2009 Digital Freebie by Two Peas in a Bucket
On to my wish item for this week! I just LOVE these Advent Calendar Elves from Garnet Hill!
Aren't they cute? When I saw these I thought, "If I were really talented I bet I could make one of those." Then I laughed...cause I'm totally not that talented!
Speaking of making stuff, I started a new blog: will craft...tomorrow.
It's basically my to do list. My internet favorites list was about to explode all over the place and was making me cross-eyed. Listing all the tutorials I want to complete on a blog seemed like much more fun. I made it mostly for my sanity, so I won't be insulted if you don't visit it, but I figured I would share anyway, just in case you needed more to do. ;o)