
Friday, August 14, 2009

Huge Fabric Blocks for Lyndon

I decided that I need to really start working on my craft to-do list before it gets any longer. So between boxes that's what I've been doing. These blocks have been on the list for a while now and I finally got around to finishing them. Each has two bells inside so they make a soft bell noise when shaken. I made them much larger than I originally intended, but Munch seems to like them.

They also make excellent teething toys!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Baby Ts and Yellow Blossoms

While Munch was munching on snacks I got out a free iron-on that was on a box of Honey Nut Cheerios and put my iron to work.

They didn't come out to bad, but let me say that using a cardboard iron-on is a major pain.

When John got home I FINALLY got to finish a skirt I've been working on. It's pretty simple, but I'm proud. :o)
It's excellent for playing tug-of-war with Kaiser.